Harbor Village RV Park Plans Tabled Unanimously by SMCo Planning

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VIDEO. Midcoast Community Council Update with Claire Toutant.  At the last minute of the ___ San Mateo County Planning Commission Meeting, the Commission voted unanimously to table the RV Park.



Owner: Point Pillar Project Developers

Applicant: Ron Stefanick File Number: PLN 2017-00320

Location: Capistrano Road, Princeton Assessor’s Parcel No: 047-081-430

Consideration of:

1) the Certification of an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration, and

2) a Coastal Development Permit, Use Permit, Design Review Permit, and Mobilehome Park Permit, and a Grading Permit, for the construction of:

  • a new 50-space Recreational Vehicle (RV) park
  • 7 tent camping spaces
  • plus an 869 sq. ft. shower and laundry building located on a legal 3.356-acre parcel
  • the construction of the RV park involves 4,500 cubic yards of cut and 4,575 cubic yards of fill. No trees are proposed for removal

The project is appealable to the California Coastal Commission. Application deemed complete September 3, 2019.

Please direct any questions to Project Planner Ruemel Panglao 650/363-4582 or [email protected].

The History of the Harbor Village/Oceano Hotel’s RV Park Proposal

Harbor Village/ Oceano Hotel

Capistrano Rd, Princeton by the Sea

Development Phases

Phase 1:  1989 initial approval – 2008 construction final.
3-story 95-unit hotel, 280-seat restaurant, 60-seat bar, enclosed retail shopping mall, separate 1-story retail bldg (Caffe Mezza Luna), sub-surface & ground level parking for 450 vehicles.
The fake lighthouse was deleted.
Timeline of appeals/approvals – Flyer
1989 comments: Concerned Citizens of the Coastside,
Committee for Green Foothills
1990: Midcoast begins process to form a Community Council


Phase 2:  2014 – 2016
Wedding building: 4,000 sf, 1-story on ~6-ft raised grade
MCC Q&A with planner 2014
Letter of Decision & Conditions of Approval


Phase 3  (proposed 2015)
50-space RV park

RV Park Proposal

Project Description:  Coastal Development Permit (CDP), Use Permit (UP), and grading permit to allow an RV park with 50 spaces & 7 tent camping spaces, 1-story 869 sf laundry/restroom, 4500 cy cut & 4575 cy fill, on 3.3-acre vacant parcel (047-081-430) zoned Coastside Commercial Recreation (CCR) at Highway 1 & Capistrano Rd.
PLN2017-00320 Summary of Case Activity
Project Planner Ruemel Panglao, [email protected]

2019 Dec: Planning Commission hearing 12/11/19 (staff report): Commissioners heeded the concerns of the community and voted 4-0 (1 absent) to continue the item until date uncertain so the applicant could address a list of issues.
Comments: MCC 10/23/194/11/18 — CGF 12/9/19
Community comments excerpts

2019 Sept: CEQA review (Mitigated Negative Declaration) 9/18 – 10/18/19. Submit comments to Planner [email protected]
Comments: CCC 10/25/19,  MCC 10/9/19,
Resist Density 10/18/19

2018 Apr: Resubmittal (MCC review early referral)
Summary of changes – water/sewer usage – drainage report
Plans: grading/drainage – landscape – plant list – renderings
MCC comments 4/11/18,  presentationvideo @ 1:04, minutes
Resist Density comments 4/11/18

2017 Sept:  Project application (MCC review early referral)
Plans – tree report – traffic impact report
Comments: MCC – CCC – Huber

2015 May:  Pre-application Public Workshop
Notice – Plans – Summary of comments


Midcoast Community Council

MCC:  [email protected]
P.O. Box 248, Moss Beach, CA 94038
For agendas via email, subscribe to Google Group-MCC-Agendas.

Len EricksonChair – Term Ends: Dec. 2022
Phone: 650-400-3175
Email: [email protected]

Michelle Weil, Vice Chair – Term Ends: Dec. 2022
Phone: 805-452-7453‬
Email: [email protected]

Claire Toutant, Secretary – Term Ends: Dec. 2022
Phone: 650-676-5847‬
Email: [email protected]

Tamar PowellTreasurer – Term Ends: Dec. 2020
Phone: 832-373-9931
Email: [email protected]

Dan Haggerty, Member – Term Ends: Dec. 2020
Phone: 650-212-6026
Email : [email protected]

Barbra MathewsonMember – Term Ends: Dec. 2020
Phone: 650-766-4854
Email: [email protected]

Dave Olson, Member – Term Ends: Dec. 2022
Phone: 650-387-3618
Email: [email protected]

Author: mdrag
