Half Moon Bay’s Poplar Street East and West Traffic Calming & Safety Project Update

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VIDEO. From the City of Half Moon Bay’s Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) meeting on November 4th, 2021 at 6:30pm by Zoom.



RECOMMENDATION: Receive an update on the Poplar Street Traffic Calming and Safety Project and provide comments for consideration.

BACKGROUND: A Complete Street describes a comprehensive integrated transportation network with infrastructure and design that allows safe and convenient travel along and across streets for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, persons with disabilities, and motorists. Each street may have various best practices applied, as the users and needs will vary from location to location while trying to maintain a streamlined network.

In 2008, the State of California enacted the California Complete Streets Act of 2008 (AB 1358), which required cities and counties to revise general plans and identify how they will provide for mobility needs for all users within roadways.

At the meeting of November 20, 2012, the City Council approved a resolution to adopt a Complete Street Policy.

The San Mateo City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) announced on September 12, 2016, a call for Transportation for Livable Communities (TLC) projects under Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) One Bay Area Grant 2 (OBAG 2). The Public Works Department applied for a grant on November 18, 2016, and subsequently awarded $1,202,000 towards the construction of the project.


DISCUSSION: The project was presented to the community and went through multiple outreach meetings starting in 2018 and through 2019 which ended with a well-attended community meeting in December 2019. However, over the next several months as the environmental field investigation started, the project would be stalled as the COVID-19 pandemic put a hold to many projects and activities planned prior.

On August 17, 2021, the City Council approved an amendment to the contract with CSW/ST2 Engineering Group, Inc. for the continuation of design and environmental review services. Staff and the City’s consultant are now working to update the plans and environmental review required for the project. The project will look to add traffic calming devices (traffic circles and bulb outs), bicycle and pedestrian connectivity from Main Street to Poplar Beach, and pavement repairs and surface treatment.

The overwhelming public comments received to date have been to protect the large cypress trees that align the street and have come to define this street. The project will not remove any of those large, mature Cypress trees and look to utilize them as traffic calming elements.

For tonight, we will be providing an overview of the project to date and discuss what we heard from the community in December of 2019. As we reengage with the community, we look forward to receiving comments on the project as we finalize the design and environmental phase of the project.


Poplar Street Traffic Calming and Safety Project

Project Description: The project provides improvements that offer safe access to areas like Poplar Beach, the Coastal Trail, and the City’s shopping district. The project limits are from Main Street to Railroad Avenue. The anticipated enhancements include pedestrian and bicycle access, storm drainage improvements, traffic calming measures and alternatives; they will vary from block to block and not all will be incorporated.

Project Status: Environmental and Design Phase – A biological resource evaluation was distributed for a 45-day public comment period on October 29, 2021. The comment period ends at 5:00PM on December 13, 2021.

Funding Source(s): One Bay Area Grant 2 – Transportation for Livable Communities and City General Fund

Latest Update: 

The City of Half Moon Bay will be presenting the Poplar Street Traffic Calming and Safety Project to the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), on November 4, 2021, in order to obtain feedback on the current design. Please attend if you have the time, or if you have any opinions/ideas. The BPAC Meeting is set to take place through zoom at 6:30 PM. Please continue to look at the below link for more information regarding the meeting.


Towards the end of 2019, the City, in conjunction with CSW|ST2, collected data for the project to ensure we have gathered enough information for the design phase. Existing traffic and tree inventory information was gathered during that process. This information partially helped shape the design. A public community meeting was held on Thursday, December 12, 2019 to obtain feedback and information as to what residents would like to see.

Throughout 2020, the City has decided to postpone this project due to the impact of COVID-19. As of now, the City has decided to restart the project, which has been approved by the City Council as of August 17, 2021. Design and Federal clearance is anticipated to be completed by the end of this calendar year. Currently, construction is anticipated to start in FY 22/23, subject to changes.

 As the consultant continues working on this project, residents and visitors can expect to see employees in reflective safety attire around Poplar Street. 


More Information:


Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) to Discuss Main Street Traffic Safety Project and the Poplar Street Traffic Calming and Safety Project

Thu. November 4th @ 6:30pm – 8:30pm

On Thursday, November 4 at 6:30 p.m. the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) will be discussing two important projects, the Main Street Traffic Safety Project and the Poplar Street Traffic Calming and Safety Project.
Please attend the meeting if you would like to share your thoughts and opinions about either or both of these projects. The City of Half Moon Bay and its consultants are presently working through the design phase for each of these projects.

A Zoom link and meeting agenda will be posted on our website.




a. Administrative Items

1. Election of Vice-Chair

2. BPAC 2022 Schedule

b. Poplar Street Traffic Calming and Safety Project – Presentation

c. Main Street Safety Project – Presentation

The meeting will also be streamed on Channel 27, on pacificcoast.tv.

Please click to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88151876135?

or join by phone at (669) 900-9128.

At the prompts, enter: Webinar/Meeting ID: 881 5187 6135. Passcode: 414041
May be an image of outdoors and text

VIDEO. From the City of Half Moon Bay’s Parks and Recreation commission meeting on Wednesday, August 5th, 2021 by Zoom.

The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)

The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) consists of seven Half Moon Bay citizens who advise the City Council, Planning Commission, and the Parks and Recreation Commission. In the past, the Committee addressed the development, maintenance, and implementation of the City’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Guidelines.  As part of implementation of the City’s General Plan Complete Streets Policy, BPAC provides advice about circulation system improvements and programs to encourage cycling and walking as a means of transportation and recreation.

Committee members are appointed by the City Council and represent the diversity of perspectives in the community necessary for full representation, including: Two walking enthusiasts, one commuter-cyclist, one senior representative, one youth representative, and a representative for the Cabrillo Unified School District (appointed by the District).


BPAC Members:

Carlene Foldenauer (Cabrillo Unified School District Representative)
Aaron Olson
Janet Rae-Dupree
Mario Rendon
Erik Schiller
Matthew Spink
Brandon White

BPAC 2022 Meeting Calendar


OWN VOICE. By David Marsland, resident of Half Moon Bay.

I love the Coastside trail. We often walk the trail, sometimes with our small dog. I also love to bicycle on the trail.

When I’m walking the trail I try hard to stay on the right and avoid taking up more than half the trail even if I’m walking with others.

When I’m bicycling on the trail I also try hard to stay to the right and use my bell to warn people that I’m coming. As I get closer I often call out “On your left”, followed by “You’re good”, then “Thanks so much”, especially if they moved to the right.

Most trail users are great and willing to share the trail between pedestrians, bicycles and, other wheeled vehicles.

Unfortunately it seems there are often groups of tourists and others who like to walk in large groups taking the entire width of the trail. These groups are often endangering themselves and others.

It boggles my mind that there’s absolutely no signage recommending that people stay on the right. It’s so simple. If people just stayed on the right and remembered that they only get to use half the width of the trail, not the whole width of the trail, then we could all share the trail harmoniously.

Recently, I was navigating the short section of trail along highway 1, where we have to detour over half a mile around the bridge closure at Miramar. There was a group in front of me of about 8 people that were blocking the entire trail. I started ringing my fairly loud bell from one end of that trail to the other. As I got closer I called out “Bike coming on your left”. Seven of the people in front moved over to the right. Unfortunately, one person lagged behind talking on his cell phone, completely blocking the path on the left hand side. I literally had to shout out “Bicycle coming, please move to the right”. He finally moved over. Then as it went past I said “Thank you”. I said to everyone in the group, “Thank you all very much, please remember to stay to the right and try to only use half the width of the trail”.

I worry that distracted people walking on the left side or in groups taking the entire width of the trail could cause injuries. Careless pedestrians could be injured or cause others to be injured when a bicycle or skateboard or scooter comes around a blind corner. Occasionally I’ll see bicycles, skateboards, or scooters on the left side too, but that’s fairly rare.

Without any signage or pavement markings saying to stay on the right accidents are literally just waiting to happen. And when accidents do happen, the parks, towns and county are opening themselves up to lawsuits.

Pavement arrows and signs are far cheaper than accidents and lawsuits.

I would like to start a movement to petition the parks, the county, and the towns of Half Moon Bay, El Granada, and Princeton to place simple arrows at trail entrances, as is common practice. On the right side the arrow points forward and on the left side the arrow points backwards.

Would you like to join me in promoting this movement? Any ideas or suggestions? Anyone know who to talk with?


Your Neighbor, David

[email protected]

I searched Coastside Buzz for “Coastside Trail” with a vague memory of this topic.
2019!?  Well, David’s dream has a clear follow up!

NEW SIGNS. Here is a draft of the California State Park’s new Coastal Trail signs design.

VIDEO. The Coastal Trail brings the coast together to enjoy the uncompromising beautify of the northern California coastline. There so many gorgeous trails along the coast.  It can be hard to pick a favorite.

Coastal Butterfly, Michelle Dragony savors the Coastal Trail. She and her intrepid cruiser, Flame, can be spotted flitting up and down the coast daily. Watch the video as they invite you to explore their favorite sights, from Pillar Point to Half Moon Bay.

There are so many breathtaking vistas along our coast.  Lately with all of the whales swimming near shore, the views are even more majestic. You can read more about whales spotted along our coast here.

Michelle Dragony on the Coastal Trail

What is your favorite view?

Cruise the Coastal Trail this summer. Start in the harbor or in Half Moon Bay…

Then, RENT BIKES at Bike Works in HMB on Kelly Ave, right off HWY 1.

Six miles of heaven. Use your bell, be gentle to the pedestrians.
Then, PADDLE Half Moon Bay Kayak in the harbor.
Then EAT AND DRINK at fresh fish at The Old Princeton Landing,

And great BEER at The Half Moon Bay Brewery .

Video shot by Dom Padua’s District 650 with Tom Gilmore assisting (he’s the one driving, while Dom is out the sunroof!). Video edited in Final Cut and music created in Garage Band by Dom Padua.  See also to Dom’s earlier “Hand Plane” video.  Dom, was 16 when he made the video and was playing football and surfs for HMBHS and loves Engineering camp. Buzz search “Dom” for more of his videos.



Watch remotely. Comments and questions by email.

Half Moon Bay Parks and Recreation Commission Agendas


The Parks and Recreation Commissionadvises the City Council on the full range of issues around our community’s parks, playing fields, recreation programming, and a variety of special events provided to the community.

Comprised of five individuals representing the community, appointed by the City Council.

The Commission advises the Council on various policy issues and other matters related to the City’s parks and recreation programs and facilities.

Commissioners serve four-year terms.

Commission meetings are held every 4th Wednesday @ 6 pm.

Commission meeting agendas are available here, and you may reach the Commissioners by emailing the City Clerk at [email protected].


Members of the Recreation Commission

  • Paulette Eisen, Chair
  • Hilary Stamper, Vice Chair
  • Patricia Black, Recreation Commissioner
  • Adam Eisen, Recreation Commissioner
  • Luis Ruiz Haro, Recreation Commissioner

Friends of Half Moon Bay Parks & Recreation

The City is grateful to the nonprofit Friends of Half Moon Bay Parks & Recreation for their support!

This group assists in fundraising and other activities to help ensure that the people of Half Moon Bay and the coastside have access to parks and recreational opportunities.



Latest Updates

Learning,  fun,  fitness, and community are at the center of Half Moon Bay Recreation! 


The Half Moon Bay Recreation Department is dedicated to providing a range of recreation programs, services, and opportunities to the entire community, along with parks, trails, and playing fields for your outdoor fun.



Recreation Classes are on hold until further notice.


There’s something fun, affordable, and educational for everyone in the family, year ’round!

The City has a number of parks, playgrounds, and trails for your year ’round use. You can even volunteer to “Adopt-a-Park!” And for the skateboarders in our community, we offer a world-class skate park completed in 2016, located at 535 Kelly Avenue.

The Recreation program also manages several facilities which are available for your parties, meetings, celebrations, and other activities.




Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)

The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) consists of 10 appointed members who advise the City Council, Planning Commission, and Parks and Recreation Commission regarding development, maintenance, and implementation of the City’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan and Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Guidelines.  As part of implementation of the City’s General Plan Complete Streets Policy, BPAC provides advice about circulation system improvements and programs to encourage cycling and walking as a means of transportation and recreation.

The members of this committee, appointed by the City Council, the Planning Commission, and the Parks & Recreation Commission, represent the diversity of perspectives in the community that is necessary for full representation, including one each of a walking enthusiast, a commute-dependent cyclist, a recreational cyclist, an avid cyclist, an at‐large community member, a senior representative, a youth representative, a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, a member of the Planning Commission, and a representative of the Cabrillo Unified School District (appointed by the District).


Sheri Saisi

Administrative Assistant


Meetings are held on the first Thursday of odd-numbered months, with a few exceptions.

Click here for the tentative 2021 BPAC meeting calendar

Author: mdrag
