Half Moon Bay’s Coastside Venture Studio Hosts FLOX Drone Demonstration for Wildlife Airport Safety; Also Works for the Protection of Crops and Livestock

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DEMO and VIDEO. From a presentation and demo done at the Half Moon Bay’s Historic Train Depot (next to the Johnston House) on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025. Video from Hopscotch Interactive‘s Emily Olman interview with FLOX CEO and Sweden’s Founder of the Year, Sara Nozkova.

FLOX Facebook Demo: Turn up the Sound!!

Coastside Buzz Chief Buzz Officer Michelle Dragony:
“I was lucky enough to be invited to the FLOX AI drone demo for Wildlife Airport Safety. When listening to the above demo you can hear how the drone emits wildlife sounds, acting an a “digital sheepdog in the sky” to guide wildlife (in this case a FLOX human) away. In the video the drone sounds like a boar and an eagle, as examples.

Based in wildlife science, FLOX technology gently guides wildlife away from the danger of planes and protects crops and livestock. Maybe a FLOX drone could even let Poplar fire pit beachgoers know that it is time to go home (and pack their trash out).

Mike Alifano thought FLOX could work at the Republic Services dump off of Hwy 92. Instead of using bird scare canons (very loud!), FLOX technology can gently train birds to go elsewhere.

San Mateo County Supervisor, Ray Mueller, Half Moon Bay City Manager, Matthew Chidester, and Economic and Community Vitality Manager, Karen Decker and Councilmember, Debbie Ruddock were in attendance. Palo Alto, San Jose and San Francisco Airports were also present and asked a lot of interested questions. FLOX is in active dialogue with the FAA.

FLOX is here as a result of the City of Half Moon Bay’s Coastside Recovery Initiative’s partnership with Eric Vettel’s Coastside Venture Studio via the American Energy Society. The Venture Studio is a start-up business incubator. FLOX has an office on Main Street.”

FLOX offers AI enabled technologies for wildlife management built on science; Creating a world where humans and wildlife coexist.

  • Wildlife Hazard Mitigation for Airports
  • Agriculture: Protection of crops and livestock (“digital sheepdog” software)
  • Clean and safe public places
  • Forestry: Avoiding wildlife browsing of young trees
  • Traffic: Avoiding animal strikes with trains and other vehicles

From Hopscotch Interactive‘s Emily Olman interview with FLOX CEO and Sweden’s Founder of the Year, Sara Nozkova.

Game-Changing Wildlife Tech for Airport Safety – FLOX Drone Demo Recap with CEO Sara Nozkova
Flox Takes Flight Reducing Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Half Moon Bay – and I had the great fortune of meeting back up with FLOX Robotics CEO ‪Sára NoĹľková‬ in Half Moon Bay today for an amazing drone demo for the Bay Area aviation community including a number of airport representatives, drone and robotics community members, and local residents. It was a pleasure to hear how FLOX is getting traction around the world for their “sheepdog in the sky” to help fight dangerous and expensive bird strikes and wildlife management for airports.

Drone Demo with FLOX Herd Solution.

Drone Software: “Herd”
Utilizing the same software as the Flox Edge device, our Flox Herd solution is capable of covering larger areas. It also functions like a traditional sheepdog, herding animals to safer areas – in full autonomy. Today compatible with DJI Dock 2.

Author: mdrag


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