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NEWSLETTER and VIDEO. From the Half Moon Bay City Council meeting on Tuesday, February, 6th, 2024 at 7:00pm, as a hybrid meeting.
Take the Pickleball Quiz!
Just answer these questions “yes” or “no.”
1. Are you new to the sport of Pickleball and looking for a way to learn more about this fun activity that’s been sweeping the nation?
2. Are you already familiar with Pickleball and trying to improve your skills and techniques?
3. Do you want to learn about this fun sport alongside your family members or friends?
4. Would you like private Pickleball lessons catered to your level of play or areas of interest?
If you answered ‘YES’ to one or all of these questions, it sounds like the Half Moon Bay Pickleball Academy could be right for you!
For more information and to register for one of our new Pickleball programs, click here.
If you have any questions, please email Eddie Behle at [email protected].
What is Pickleball?
Pickleball is a fun and energetic racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis! Two, three, or four players use paddles to hit a ball, similar to a wiffle ball, over a net. The sport shares features with other racquet sports, including the dimensions and layout of a badminton court, and a net and rules similar to tennis with a few modifications.
Taught by our coastside pickleball professional, Mark Hofmann (bio below), the HMB Pickleball Academy offers newcomers to the sport an introduction to Pickleball class, skill-building and strategy classes, and an opportunity for players to learn the sport with a group of family and friends.
Register For Upcoming Saturday Pickleball Classes.
Classes are 75 minutes and participants need to bring tennis shoes and comfortable clothing.
Introduction to Pickleball: A single lesson designed to show you what all the excitement about this game with the silly name is about and if its for you!
Serving, Returns and Transition: Focus on serve technique, return of serve and transitioning from baseline to the “Non-Volley Zone” (AKA the “Kitchen”). Learn when to drive vs drop and how/when to move up in the court.
Drive and Drop Strategies: Focus is on recognizing what to do on the 3rd shot. Who to target, and how to properly defend the 4th shot and set you and your partner up for the 5th shot and beyond.
The Soft Game, Speedups, Volleys and Resets: As one makes progress learning this game, it becomes apparent that games/matches are won (or lost!) at the “Kitchen Line”. Focus is on developing consistency in your technique and the patience to wait for the opportunity that WILL come!
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Half Moon Bay City Council Meetings ~ 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
The Half Moon Bay City Council typically meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month starting at 7pm at the Ted Adcock Community Center, 535 Kelly Avenue. The meeting is also remote by Zoom, Facebook and PCTV. Regular meeting agendas are posted 72 hours in advance. Special meeting agendas are posted 24 hours in advance.
SUBSCRIBE to HMB’s Agendas, Weekly eNews, Project Updates, City alerts, Calendar Events, Bid Postings.
HMB City Council Agendas and Zoom Links
HMB City Council Meeting Videos on PCTV
The City Council of Half Moon Bay is the City’s governing body, and consists of five elected members. The Council sets priorities and policies, makes final decisions on all major City matters, adopts ordinances and resolutions, appoints the City Manager and City Attorney, and approves the annual budget.
The City of Half Moon Bay holds district-based elections for its five city council seats. Each Councilmember is elected to a 4 year term. There are no term limits in Half Moon Bay. The City Council selects one of its members to serve as Mayor and one to serve as Vice Mayor, on an annual basis.
The Half Moon Bay City Council typically meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month starting at 7 pm at the Ted Adcock Community Center, 535 Kelly Avenue.

- streamed live on Comcast Channel 27 and Pacific Coast TV website
- and on Facebook Live
- one in English (City of Half Moon Bay FB Page)
- one in Spanish (City of Half Moon Bay Recreation FB Page)
Members or the public are welcome to submit comments (in accordance with the three-minute per speaker limit) via email to [email protected] prior to or during the meeting, via Facebook live during the meeting, and via two phone lines during the meeting – (650) 477-4963 (English) and (650) 445-3090 (Spanish). The City Clerk will read all comments into the record.
Please visit our “Commenting at a City Council Meeting” information page. You can also learn about City Council Procedures and Decorum.
The City Council develops Strategic Elements to help focus the City’s actions and work plans on its key priorities.
City of Half Moon Bay District-based Elections Map for 2024
Map 503b Adopted 3.15.2022