Governor Newsom’s Executive Order Stops Water Shutoff for Lack of Payment

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To be clear, MSWD, for a decade, has NOT shut water off for any customer for non-payment as MSWD sees water as a health and safety issue. We will work with anyone and everyone to come up with a payment plan during this crisis and afterwards.

~ Clemens Heldmaier, General Manager, MSWD

No Late Fees Charged by Montara Sewer and Water District

VIDEO.  No late fees, but do call the office to negotiate a payment you may not be able to pay during the pandemic.

  • (650) 728-3545

Watch remotely. Comments and questions by email.


PCTV Meeting Videos

Meeting Schedule

Regular meetings are 7:30pm on the first and third Thursday of each month at the District office at 8888 Cabrillo Hwy, next to Pt Montara Lighthouse and Hostel.

To receive agendas by email, send a request to [email protected]

In addition to email, we post agendas before each board meeting:

  • On the District website here
  • Montara post office
  • Moss Beach post office
  • the bulletin board in front of the MWSD office


Who is on the Board of Directors?

Kathryn Slater-Carter — President Term 2016-2020
Jim Harvey — President Pro Tem Term 2018-2022
Ric Lohman — Secretary Term 2018-2022
Eric Marshall — Treasurer Term 2018-2022
Scott Boyd — Director Term 2016-2020



Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) – MWSD is a member of SAM, the agency that collects and cleans our Coastside community’s wastewater before it enters the ocean. SAM meets monthly on the 4th Monday at 7:30pm. Jim Harvey and Scott Boyd presently serve as SAM board members.

Recology of the Coast – MWSD has contracted with Recology of the Coast for trash pickup, recycling, and waste hauling.

Visit County Solid Waste Department for more information about recycling, composting, etc.


In an Emergency

Water Emergencies: Call MWSD at (650) 728-3545

Sewer Emergencies: Call SAM at (650) 726-0124

For emergencies that affect life, health or safety:  Dial 911


Contact Us

  • 8888 Cabrillo Hwy
    Montara, California 94037
  • Office Hours:
    8:30AM to 5PM Mon-Fri
  • (650) 728-3545
  • [email protected]



More on Montara Sewer and Water District

Trash Wipes and Rags; Do NOT Flush. Cost For Repair?


Who Should Pay For Construction of SAM Wet Weather Storage Expansion Project?


Rising Groundwater Will Be a Problem Before Sea Level Rise


SAM Presents to Montara Water on the $40 Million Capital Improvement Plan




Montara Water and Sanitary District is governed by a five member elected board of directors and staffed by 7 employees. The District staff is headed by the General Manager and organized into a number of divisions. Major activities of the district include:

  • Customer support and administration: issuance of sewer and water connection permits, response to customer inquiries, rate studies, mapping, public information, information management, and more.
  • Operations, including operations of the treatment plant, inspection, analysis cleaning and repair of the sewer system, Engineering design and related activities.
  • Oversee solid waste franchise through Recology of the Coast.

If you have questions about our services or need help, please contact our office at:

Montara Water & Sanitary District
8888 Cabrillo Hwy., Montara, CA 94037
Regular Office Hours: 8AM – 5PM
Voice: (650) 728-3545 Fax: (650) 728-8556
Email: [email protected]

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart

Water System Plant Operators consist of three positions, currently staffed by Nick Carrington, Reeson Blevins and Derek Dye.

Superintendent Julian Martinez

The Business Office consists of two positions: Account Specialist Sonya Flores and District Clerk Tracy Beardsley.

Sewer Operations is staffed by Pippin Cavagnaro of Nute Engineering.

District Engineer is staffed by Tanya Yurovsky of SRT Consultants.

District Counsel Dave Schricker.

General Manager Clemens Heldmaier.

District Board of Directors consists of five elected Board members: President Kathryn Slater-Carter, President Pro-Tem Jim Harvey, Secretary Ric Lohman, Treasurer Eric Marshall, and Director Scott Boyd.



Author: mdrag
