GCSD Parks and Recreation Advisory Meeting and Survey Update

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VIDEO. We want to hear from you! I am new to the Granada Community Services District Parks Advisory Committee, so if you see me, talk to me. Or write to me!

~Michelle Dragony

Parks and Recreation September 2018 Newsletter

Burnham Park Concepts Public Outreach Report Update


GCSD PAC Meeting Nov. 1st, 2018. Watch.

Only a dozen people came to this meeting.

Listen in and see if your point of view is being represented. 

If not, email us with your comment.

Please, pass the word, especially to young families, who have a hard time making it to meetings.

In particular, listen to the conversation about picnic tables at 1:41.00. Yay or nay? Pros and cons?

Mark Your Calendars!


Parks and Recreation

The Granada Community Services District (GCSD), formerly the Granada Sanitary District, gained park and recreation jurisdiction on October 1, 2014, for the unincorporated areas of El Granada, Miramar and Princeton (i.e. the “GCSD Community”) by a positive vote of 60% of the voters in the District. This reorganization allows the district to provide parks and recreation services in addition to the sewer, solid waste and recycling services it currently provides to over 2,500 residences and businesses in the District as well as the northern portion of the City of Half Moon Bay.

The parks and recreation function is funded by utilizing a portion of GCSD’s share of property tax revenues, not from sewer charges. GCSD’s goal is to provide parks and recreation services that benefit the GCSD community, with a commitment to robust neighborhood outreach on new projects.

Granada Parks Advisory Committee (PAC)

The PAC was formed by the Granada Community Services District Board of Directors to ensure community involvement in all phases of park planning, design and development. Seven voting members are appointed by the Board to serve two-year terms. Members receive no compensation – they are neighbors volunteering to support and benefit our community. The PAC makes recommendations regarding parks and recreation to the GCSD Board of Directors. PAC meetings are held at the GCSD office at least once each quarter and are open to the public and televised.

For Parks Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting dates, agendas and minutes, CLICK HERE

GCSD owns several parcels on the undeveloped “Burnham Strip” property along Obispo Street between Coronado Street and Avenue Alhambra in El Granada, which may be developed as an El Granada gateway park.

Additional potential park areas are a small parcel on Capistrano Road in Princeton, and the medians in El Granada, which are owned by San Mateo County (SMC). GCSD and SMC completed a Permit Agreement in February 2018 which allows the District to make improvements to the El Granada Medians. GCSD may implement landscaping, seating, and active and passive recreational improvements on these properties, following an open and transparent community outreach process.

In 2015, GCSD completed a “Community Interest and Opinion Survey for Local Parks and Recreation Facility Priorities.” This survey was mailed to residences in the district and made available online. A total of 609 responses were received. Key findings include:

  • 73% of the GCSD Community said Yes or Maybe that local parks need improvement
  • 76% of the GCSD Community and 81% of respondents from El Granada indicated Yes or Maybe that the median strips in El Granada should be improved
  • 61% of the GCSD Community indicated a moderate to substantial need for Small Neighborhood Parks, including 78% of households with children
  • 65% of the GCSD Community said Yes they would participate in more recreational activities if they were available locally
  • 66% of the GCSD Community indicated it is moderately or very important to have a Community Center.

The inaugural 2016 – 2017 PAC leveraged these findings for early generation of ideas for GCSD Parks and Recreation. The PAC members included Patrick Tierney (Chair), Paul Koelsch (Vice Chair), Dale Ross, Owen Moore, Jeanette Ward, Barbara Dye and Brian Overfelt. The team made good progress until being stalled in 2017 during the development of the GCSD/SMC Medians Use Agreement mentioned above. Accomplishments included:

  • Mapped the 24 El Granada Medians, existing parks, and GCSD-owned vacant parcels.
  • Selected Balboa Circle and Ave Portola at Ave Alhambra as first areas of focus for potential median improvements. Developed and gained community input on small neighborhood playground ideas for Balboa Circle.
  • Partnered with SMC Parks to develop ideas for the El Granada medians which were considered in the SMC Median Use Agreement negotiation.
  • Explored potential to buy or lease Cabrillo Unified School District properties in El Granada for recreational use.
  • Investigated potential locations for a bicycle pump track.
Author: mdrag
