Frenchman’s Creek’s Coastside CERT’s Walkie-Talkie/HAM Radio Communication Drill

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EVENT REVIEW.  At 10:00am, on Saturday, July 18th, 2020, Jim Williams and Jenny Goshorn hosted the Coastside CERT Communication Exercise at Frenchman’s Creek.  Here is how it worked.

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Full Communications Exercise Text

Drill Purpose (Lesson Goal).

The purpose of this drill is to practice neighborhood walkie-talkie and ham radio communications and to connect the Frenchman’s Creek neighborhood preparedness group (FCPrepared) consisting of Coastside CERTs, Walkie-talkie Operators and Ham Operators to the wider Coastside CERT/HMBAres communications networks and practice liaison with Coastside Fire Protection District personnel.

CERTs will practice activation, including set-up and staffing an Incident Command Post and deploying CERT teams with emphasis on appropriate documentation and reporting.



CERT Team Members:

At 10:00 am on Saturday July 18th, there is a major earthquake in the area.  You do an assessment and you, your family, pets and home are all unharmed.  You have your Walkie-talkie and turn it on at 10:00 am sharp and immediately head to the Park making damage assessments as you go.  You have your Walkie-talkie turned on to Channel 8, you are wearing you PPEs/Mask and have your CERT backpack with you.  You have food and water to last through the drill.  You will need to radio in the following as you walk to the park.    You should not volunteer to be Net Control.

  • As you leave your house you make note of the houses in your cul-de-sac/block.  All are in decent shape and all neighbors are outside, communicative and unhurt.  You walk to the other end of the cul-de-sac and see that 900 Ruisseau Francais is off its foundation and 1200 Ruisseau Francais is flattened.  Thankfully you know that both families are away at the moment.  
  • As you walk to the park you notice that 400 Ruisseau Francais has a small fire in the front yard which the residents are putting out with a hose.  All other homes in the vicinity seem to be intact, but there is a dog loose in street barking.  It runs away from you.  
  • As you pass 550 Ruisseau Francais you realize the house if fine but the chimney has fallen on the house next door.  

When you get to the park you see that you are the first CERT to arrive.  Following your CERT training you assume the role of Neighborhood Incident Command. 

You will do the following:

  • Make sure the scene is safe and set up the Neighborhood Incident Command Post with the help of any volunteers then present.  _____________ will be able to assist and act as your scribe.
  • At 10:15am ask that the current Walkie-Talkie Net Control turn over Control to the Walkie-Talkie team member present in the park (__________).   They assume Net Control and you assign a scribe to assist them in documenting the assessments of the blocks.
  • Determine if you have a HAM operator present and ask that they establish communication with the Division Operations Center (DOC).   Assign this Operator a scribe if needed.
  • Make sure that Scribes are using appropriate FEMA forms – available in the ICP Box.
  • Direct the Walkie-Talkie scribe to relay critical situations to you.  Then direct that those requiring outside resources or that are vital information for first responders be relayed to Ham Operator to forward to DOC.  
  • Review and assign the following tasks to volunteers.  This task may be delegated to another CERT or you can turn over NIC duties to another CERT after 30 minutes.

MUST HAPPEN ASSIGNMENTS (Use CERT members or trainees or volunteers as appropriate).

  • Assign minimum two folks to set-up and staff Collection Point, at least one with Walkie-Talkie.
  • Send CERT team to 2013 Bordeaux with Walkie-talkie – with message to call Net Command and say “A-1 is W” repeat “Alpha 1 is Whiskey” and then pick-up package labeled “DRILL” from front door of 2013 Bordeaux.
  • Send Volunteer to 700 Le Mans with Walkie-talkie – with message to call Net Command and say “C-2 is A” repeat “Charlie 2 is Alpha”
  • Send CERT team with wagon to pick-up package from porch of 616 Ruisseau Francais.
  • If possible, relieve staff at Collection Point with two new folks — one must be Walkie-talkie Operator.


  • Walk to 736 Toulouse with Walkie-talkie and call Net Command: Say “I have a sweet tooth”
  • Walk to 501 Ruisseau Francais and pretend to turn off the water main
  • Pretend to turn off gas at house next to 2016 Touraine
  • Walk to 520 Ruisseau Francais with Walkie-talkie and call Net Command: Say “Resident is fine”
  • Walk up Touraine to see if you can find lost dog.  Take rope.
  • Assign someone to check on folks at Collection Point.  By Walkie-Talkie is fine.
  • Assign someone to check on safety and hygiene supplies (Logistics Table).  Report on capacity.




Walkie-Talkie Team Member: 

At 10:00 am on Saturday July 18th, there is a major earthquake in the area.  You do an assessment and you, your family, pets and home are all unharmed.  You have your Walkie-talkie and turn it on at 10:05 am.  You will not be first on the net.   When requested, answer the roll-call and state that you have traffic.  Over the course of the next 45 to 55 minutes please follow the script below and read the “traffic” items below as directed by Net Control.   You must follow the guidance of Net Control and should hold your traffic if asked to do so.  There will be many Walkie-Talkie operators trying to get their messages through, so there will be some ‘traffic jams’.   This is what we are practicing; good radio etiquette and persistence.


Over the next 45 to 55 minutes please read the following items to the Walkie-Talkie Net Command.  Be sure to get through at least the first five items on the list: 

  • I have a message for the NIC:  “C2 is A  –   Repeat Charlie 2 is Alpha” 
  • My neighbor’s home and they are turning off there gas because we both smell it. 
  • Lots of smoke is coming from the Harbor 
  • I see a horse running on Hwy 1 but other horses are at the green houses.
  • Many of my neighbors are fine but I don’t know about the lady next door.
  • I see someone with a clip board looking at all our houses.
  • I see a loose dog running down the street
  • Was that an aftershock?
  • A car just stalled in front of my house and they are blocking the road.
  • Was that another aftershock?
  • The tree across the road fell into the street.
  • The loose dog is back and running the other way.

When the Net Command requests it, please head to the Park to debrief if you feel comfortable doing so.  Please be sure to remember to practice social distancing and wear a mask at all times.  

Please note:  You may stay home if you do not want to come to the Park.  We will relay the debriefing via the radio.




Initial Net Control.

You, your family, pets and home are all unharmed.  You have your Walkie-talkie turned on and you are the first on the net, you will assume the Walkie-Talkie Net Control duties for the first 15 minutes and then hand over Net Control to someone else..  You take roll and document who is on the net and record any initial traffic.  

Script:  You should be first on the net!  Initiate the Net at 10:00 am sharp.  State that you are Net Control and state that this is the Frenchman’s Creek Emergency Net operating from TR2044.   BE SURE TO STATE THAT THIS IS A DRILL.  Take Roll Call and ask for traffic.  Assign someone to be your scribe and have them document the traffic. 

Important: At approximately 10:15 you will be asked to hand over Net Control to ___________  who will be in the Park at the NIC.  After handing over the Net please report to the NIC in the Park for a Ham or other assignment.

As you make your way to the Park you note some information.   Make sure that this info is conveyed to the Neighborhood Incident Commander as you can (in person or on the Walkie-Talkie).  Be sure to get through at least the first five items on the list: 

  • I have a message for the NIC:  “B2 is E  –   Repeat Bravo 2 is Echo” 
  • I am looking out my window and I see lots of smoke by the Harbor 
  • I see a loose dog running down the street
  • I saw horses running loose on Hwy 1
  • I just saw a car stall on Touraine.  It is blocking traffic in both directions.
  • I saw horses running on Hwy 1 from my house.  They seemed panicked.
  • I caught a loose iguana on the way to the Park.  It is in a box next to the tortoise

When the Net Command requests it, please head to the Park to debrief if you feel comfortable doing so.  We will relay the debriefing via the 




All activities for all participants will be done in a safe manner, with observers able to offer guidance and enforce safety protocols. Water will be available, breaks will be suggested as needed.

There will be little lifting or carrying. Sanitizer, gloves and other cleaning supplies will be available.

NOTE: This drill will take place during the Covid-19 Pandemic and while we are under State and County Health and Safety Orders.

ALL hygiene requirements, appropriate social distancing and the use of masks will be strictly enforced.


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Author: mdrag
