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VIDEO. From the City of Half Moon Bay’s City Council meeting on 7/20/21 at 7:00pm by Zoom.
Adopt a resolution approving an Affordable Housing Agreement between Gibraltar Capital, Inc. and the City of Half Moon Bay for the 320 Church Street (“Creekside”) Subdivision.
The City will bear responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Affordable Housing Agreement (“Creekside AHA”). The fiscal impact for staff or a consultant to monitor the agreement and property for compliance is expected to be minimal and
could be funded through the City’s housing funds or planning contract services.
This item is relevant to the Infrastructure and Environment as well as the Healthy Communities and Public Safety Initiatives of the Strategic Plan.
The genesis of the Creekside AHA is City Council’s approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map, Coastal Development Permit, and Use Permit for subdivision of a 5.5 acre site consisting of two parcels located at 320 Church Street. The subdivision will result in the creation of 12 lots for residential development, as well as common areas, a private street, and a conservation easement. The Local Coastal Land Use Plan land use designation is General Commercial and the site is in the Commercial-Downtown (C-D) zoning district. City Council approved the project and associated entitlements on November 7, 2017. On October 20, 2020, City Council approved a one-year extension in advance of the three-year expiration of the Tentative Subdivision Map.
Leading up to and subsequent to the map extension, the applicant has been working to complete the Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement for City Council approval. A condition of project approval requires the applicant to enter into an affordable housing agreement with the City in advance or in conjunctions with City Council Council’s consideration of the Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Plans. In compliance with this requirement, this report conveys the Creekside AHA for City Council consideration in parallel with the Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement (Attachment 1, Exhibit A). If City Council approves the Creekside AHA, it may also act on the Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement.
These entitlements have a lengthy and complex history. The October 20, 2020 staff report for the map extension includes a detailed summary of the history and other project highlights (Attachment 2).
The City’s Below Market Rate Housing (BMR) Ordinance (Municipal Code 18.35) requires that 20%of the total number of dwelling units in all new residential subdivisions of 10 or more lots be affordable to lower income households. As originally proposed, this subdivision included 10 lots for single-family development and 2 lots for duplex or triplex development for a total of 14 to 16 units.
Assuming this higher yield, a minimum of 3.2 units affordable to lower income households is required. The BMR Ordinance allows for in-lieu fees for all or a portion of the required number of units instead of production. In approving Tentative Subdivision Map and associated entitlements, City Council directed that they would not consider in lieu fees for this project and sought that the affordable units be built within the project on the multi-family parcels. They also specified their preference that the fractional 0.2 unit be provided as a whole unit and not an in lieu fee. The applicant agreed to work with City staff on terms for the Creekside AHA to include four restricted units.
Full Agenda for HMB City Council Meeting 7/20/21
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City Council of Half Moon Bay Meets ~ 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00pm

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The New Now ~ Virtual Remote Public Agency Meetings
- streamed live on Comcast Channel 27 and Pacific Coast TV website
- the City’s website online (via Granicus)
- and on Facebook Live
- one in English (City of Half Moon Bay FB Page)
- one in Spanish (City of Half Moon Bay Recreation FB Page)
- Recorded by Pacific Coast TV (PCTV)
Members or the public are welcome to submit comments (in accordance with the three-minute per speaker limit) via email

HMB City Council Agendas and Zoom Links
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Debbie Ruddock
Vice MayorPhone: 650-726 -
Joaquin Jimenez
Council MemberPhone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
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