Covid-19 Water Revenue Drops and Past Due Increases, Plus No Rain Means Extra Crystal Springs Costs

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VIDEO.  Three Big Changes: Covid 19 SIP, lack of rainfall on our local watershed, and drop in revenue.

Three affects to watch in coming months:

  • Significant drop in revenue for commercial (restaurants and the like and Bay City Flower closure), possibly 30%.
  • Lack of rainfall mean no local water from June to December. We will have to pay SFPUC for Crystal Springs water, including the electricity expense it takes to bring it over the hill.
  • Possible bad debt due to past due accounts. Shutoffs are not allowed in California. May jump to 6% of CCWD revenue.  CCWD has 10 plans for customers to choose from, in case customers need to extend payments.

Coastside County Water District (CCWD), Mary Rogen, presents the draft for fiscal year 2020-2021 O&M Budget:

CALL AHEAD. Board meetings can be rescheduled.  Get on their email list to be notified of meeting changes. please sign up here.

CCWD Meeting Agendas

CCWD Meeting Videos

CCWD Meeting  Zoom Links

Regular meetings of the CCWD Board of Directors are held once each month on the second Tuesday. Regular meetings commence at 7:00 p.m. and are held in the District Office located at 766 Main Street, Half Moon Bay.

The date, time and place of a regular meeting may be changed by the Board of Directors in specific cases by a motion duly passed at a meeting duly called and held. Public notice shall be posted of any such change in the date, time or place of a regular meeting.

Posting Locations for the Agendas of the Regular / Special Board Meetings:

  • CCWD Office (Front Door)
  • City of Half Moon Bay Bulletin Board
  • Half Moon Bay Library
  • CCWD Website

If you would like to receive the monthly CCWD Board Meeting Agendas by e-mail, please sign up here.

Board of Directors

Bob FeldmanPresident– member since April 2016 – Term ends November 2018
email: [email protected]

Ken CoverdellVice President – member since May 1992 – Term ends November 2020
email: [email protected]

Arnie GlassbergDirector – member since November 2013 – Term ends November 2020
email: [email protected]

Chris MickelsenDirector – member since November 2001 – Term ends November 2018
email: [email protected]

Glenn ReynoldsDirector – member since November 2011 – Term ends November 2020
email: [email protected]

PDF Election Procedures for Board Members

PDF Code of Conduct for Board of Directors and District Officials, approved April 13, 2004, amended Oct. 10, 2006

PDF Agency Report of Public Official Appointments – California Form 806

PDF Public Service Ethics Education Proof of Participation Certificates

PDF Compliance with Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Section 54950 et al) – Resolution 2004-06


ARTICLE / LINKS. Coastside County Water District launches WaterSmart customer web portal.

Register for WaterSmart for FREE!

Save money on your water bill. Set up leak alerts that might cause water damage. View usage history, get money saving recommendations from your phone. All you need is your account ID and your zip code.

Step One: Register (your water account number is your registration code)

Step Two: Personalize your information

Step Three: Learn about your daily, monthly, seasonal and annual water usage

Do you have a question about WaterSmart or do you need assistance with registering?

Email [email protected] for help.

Coastside County Water District
766 Main Street
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
Tel. 650-726-4405 | Fax 650-726-5245


Author: mdrag
