County Approves 5-yr Programmatic Permit for Public Works & Parks Routine Maintenance Projects

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VIDEO.  ZOOM Meeting. San Mateo County Planning Commission Meeting:  Wed. Sept. 9th, 2020 at 9:00 a.m to discuss the San Mateo County Parks and Facilities 5 Year Routine Maintenance Program.

Staff would like to gang all Department of Public Maintenance into a 5-year rolling California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) permit.

Due to the time permitting takes, DPW projects can take so long that culverts, bridges, streams, etc. may have maintenance issues that cause more damage to the environment by not getting done in a timely manner, than the CEQA process protects.

Additionally, by streamlining the permitting process there can be more “work scheduling certainty”.  The permitting process and time lags are expensive for County and taxpayers.



Regular Agenda and Staff Report

1. Owner: San Mateo County Applicant: Department of Public Works & County Parks File Number: PLN2020-00119 Location: Unincorporated Coastal Zone Assessor’s Parcel No: Various, Unincorporated Coastal Zone

Coastal Development Permit to authorize routine maintenance activities at County maintained parks and facilities over the course of a five-year period for the Department of Public Works Five-Year Master Permit for the County’s Routine Maintenance Program. Primary on-going activities include culvert, bridge, and other storm drainage maintenance; roadside ditch and swale maintenance; sediment removal; bank stabilization; vegetation management; and trail and road maintenance. Applicant deemed complete April, 7, 2020. Please direct any questions to Project Planner Renee Ananda at [email protected].

2. Correspondence and Other Matters

3. Consideration of Study Session for Next Meeting

4. Director’s Report

5. Commissioner Updates and Questions

6. Adjournment

Location: Unincorporated County-maintained areas and County Parks



Author: mdrag
