Coastside Water and Sewer Jurisdiction Map Comparison Study Session

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Do you know where your water comes from?

Do you know where you poop goes?

And who pays the bills for the lawsuit?


Gregg Dieguez has looked at the HMB legal fees and says the lawsuit costs are being paid from the HMB general fund. So Miramar and Frenchman’s Creek are paying for those fees. All GCSD’s lawsuit costs are being paid for by sewer fees, which those folks pay as well.


Montara Water and Sewer District (MWSD)

Granada Community Services District (GCSD)

GREEN. The District is responsible for parks, recreation, garbage and recycling services in the unincorporated areas of El Granada, Princeton, Princeton-by-the-Sea, Clipper Ridge, and Miramar.

RED: The District is also responsible for the sewage collection system and disposal for approximately 2,500 residences and businesses in these same unincorporated areas as well as the northern portion of the City of Half Moon Bay as shown on the figure below.


NOTE: MWSD provides water to  Pillar Point and GCSD services sewer. This is why the maps overlap


Coastside County Water District (CCWD)

The Coastside County Water District (CCWD) serves the City of Half Moon Bay and a part of the unincorporated area of San Mateo County including Miramar, Princeton By The Sea and El Granada. See maps below.



Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM)

Where all Coastside poop goes.

The Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) provides wastewater treatment services and contract collection maintenance services for a population of approximately 27,000 in the following areas:


  • City of Half Moon Bay
  • El Granada
  • Miramar
  • Montara
  • Moss Beach
  • Princeton Harbor

SAM contracts, in a Joint Powers agreement, with City of HMB, GCSD and MWSD for sewer services. CCWD’s map is the same as the City of Half Moon Bay’s



City of Half Moon Bay




Author: mdrag
