Coastside! Want to See Your San Mateo County Tax Dollars In Action? Sign Up for Civics 101

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PRESS RELEASE. From San Mateo County on July 27, 2022.

Redwood City – The County of San Mateo is accepting applications for the Civics 101 Academy, a free nine-week course that provides an in-depth look at how local government works.

A series of workshops and hands-on exercises offers participants with the chance to learn from top County leaders, including elected officials, and ask questions. Civics 101 also serves as a recruiting tool for the County’s numerous advisory boards and commissions.

“This is a unique opportunity for anyone who lives, works or goes to school in San Mateo County to see how local government operates,” said San Mateo County Supervisor Carole Groom. “Want to learn about services for homeless individuals and families? Ever wonder what it takes to launch a career in law enforcement? Where do tax dollars go? Apply for Civics 101 and find out.”

The 2022 Civics 101 Academy will run for nine consecutive Tuesday evenings, 6 to 8:30, from September 6 through November 1.

Most sessions will be held at 501 Winslow St., Redwood City (the Regional Operations Center on the campus of County Government Center; the center is served by both SamTrans and Caltrain).

The class will be capped at 65 participants. Due to ongoing community health considerations, masks may be required. Attendees will receive more information before the first session.

For an application and more information, please visit Civics 101 Academy.

Questions? Please email Civics 101 organizer Eric Forgaard at [email protected], or call 650-363-4123.



Have questions about local government? Want to learn from department heads and other county leaders? Then Civics 101 is for you!

The Civics 101 Academy is a free course that provides an in-depth look at County programs, services and finances. Participants will primarily learn from and interact with department heads or their designees regarding topics such as health, public safety, human services, parks, public finance and more. The class will meet Tuesday evenings from Sep. 6 through Nov. 1. Light snacks will be served.

Civics 101 is also an opportunity for us to hear your perspective and learn from you. What are your priorities for improving the quality of life for all on the Peninsula? What do you care about? What are your ideas? We want to know!

Maybe you’re simply interested in learning about the workings of San Mateo County government, such as the wide array of services and programs it provides to residents. Or like a number of past participants, maybe you’ll be inspired to serve on one of the County’s many boards and commissions, where volunteers like you work to advise the Board of Supervisors and help to improve our community! Or, who knows, maybe your civic-mindedness will spur you to seek local elected office someday or join the amazing team of dedicated County government employees that serve our residents.



  • The 2022 Civics 101 Academy will run for nine consecutive Tuesday evenings, 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., from Sep. 6 through Nov. 1.
  • Location: 501 Winslow Street, Redwood City (the Regional Operations Center on the campus of County Government Center)
  • The class will be capped at 65 participants. Due to ongoing community health considerations, masks may be required. Attendees will receive more information before the first session. 



2022 Schedule

(As of today. Content subject to change.)

Sep. 6: County Government Overview
County overview from Chief Communications Officer Michelle Durand, Dept. of Emergency Management Interim Director Don Mattei, Community Emergency Response Team

Sep. 13: San Mateo County Health
Health overview, COVID-19 response, Public Health Services, Health Information Technology.

Sep. 20: The Justice System
Judiciary, Probation, District Attorney, Private Defender. Includes mock trial!

Sep. 27: Community Services
County Executive Mike Callagy, Public Works, Library System, LAFCo

Oct. 4: Human Services Agency 
HSA overview, Children and Family Services, Collaborative Community Outcomes, Employment Services, Self-Sufficiency Services, Housing

Oct. 11: All About Money
Treasurer-Tax Collector, Controller, Budget and Budget Performance, Assessor and Elections. 

Oct. 18: Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff’s Office overview, K-9 demonstration, Community Engagement

Oct. 25: Countywide Initiatives
Office of Sustainability, Mosquito and Vector Control District

Nov. 1: Final Session
Board of Supervisors President Don Horsley, Human Resources, County Counsel, completion certificates

Questions? Contact Eric Forgaard at [email protected]


Media Contact

Michelle Durand
Chief Communications Officer
[email protected]

Author: mdrag
