City of Pacifica Tries Painted Bike Blvds Nudging Drivers to Slow and Share Lanes WITH Bikes

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PRESS RELEASE.  You may have noticed pavement markings on a few roads in Pacifica similar to the photo shown above with a bicyclist painted on the street, with the word “BLVD.”

These markings are to indicate designated bicycle boulevard roads within the City.

In February of 2020, the City of Pacifica adopted a new bicycle and pedestrian master plan that delineates the approved bicycle network on City roads.

Bicycle boulevards are generally on residential roads that are connecter routes throughout Pacifica, but do not have the width required for full bicycle lanes.

The markings act as a reminder to share the road and to be alert for bicyclists along this route. We hope this increased alertness will encourage residents to bicycle more and for drivers to be more cognizant along these roads.

Author: mdrag


One thought on “City of Pacifica Tries Painted Bike Blvds Nudging Drivers to Slow and Share Lanes WITH Bikes

  1. This is wonderful! I used to commute through Palo Alto and bicycle boulevards have worked extremely well there for many years. Thanks in part to this they have many bicycling and walking safe routes to schools. Great for commuting too. More people on bicycles means less traffic.

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