City of Pacifica Reaches Out with Two Meetings Looking for Public Input after Council was Attacked by Zoom Bombers

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LETTER. From Pacifica City Councilmember, Christine Boles, on October 2nd, 2023 in response to the previous City Council meeting on Monday, September 25th, 2023 as a remote meeting where First Amendment Zoom Bombers commented during public comment.


Dear Neighbors,

Hate has no place in Pacifica, period. And yet our City Council meeting last Monday night was subjected to vile racist comments by a few on the fringes of society trying to spread their poison under the cover of First Amendment free speech rights using our remote commenting platforms on the phone and on zoom.


Sitting at the dais, I was totally shocked as the pain of the hateful words tore through me, and as I looked at those in the room who were hurt also, including residents, planning commissioners, and city staff. I can only imagine the feelings of hurt, fear, and anger from those listening in on zoom and on PCT. We were not prepared for this vitriol, and we looked in desperation to our city attorney, not even knowing if we should, or even could, respond.


Since then, I have been working to listen to those who were affected by those comments, researching protocols and first amendment issues, and urging our City staff to connect with our community and to allow space for a community conversation before making a decision on how to move forward. There are some ideas for curbing some of these comments, but it seems impossible to stop them entirely. While this is painful, it is also incredibly painful to consider giving these racists any power over us by eliminating the options of remote commenting that have been so helpful to the elderly, the sick, young families and those with busy lives that just cannot attend our long meetings. Our democracy necessitates hearing from the public, and if we can provide remote access through zoom and/or phone while also protecting against future hate attacks, that is the solution I will fight for. I urge you to write to other council members and city staff at [email protected] to express your ideas and opinions.

The City Council will be hosting a study session at our next meeting on Monday October 9th to make room for this important discussion, acknowledge what happened, share our grief, reflect, and discuss our legal and procedural options as we move forward. This meeting will most likely start at 5:30 in Council Chambers at 2212 Beach Boulevard, but please double check the agenda when it comes out on Wednesday night.


Remote commenting has been suspended for this meeting as well as tonight’s Planning Commission meeting.


Coincidentally, the Pacifica Peace People are also holding an anti-racism event this Thursday evening, October 5th,. See flyer below. While I do not consider myself racist, I love the song in Avenue Q that says “everyone’s a little bit racist”. I am sure I can do better, and I am eager to learn to improve, and also to acknowledge my privilege. I hope you can join me.


Most importantly, I want to communicate that Pacifica is a place of inclusion and respect for every single community member, regardless of race, class, age, religion, gender, sexuality, and gender identity. This is a place where we all belong, and where each individual is seen and celebrated for the beauty and dignity that resides within. Our diversity is our superpower. We must fight hate and we must stand as allies to those who are targeted and those whose voices are under heard and underrepresented. That is what inoculates our democracy against the tyranny of hate and violence.


I thank each of you for making Pacifica such a wonderful city, where hate has no place, where our hearts, our creativity and our compassion for each other triumph in this beautiful place we collectively get to call home.

Christine Boles, Architect

Pacifica City Councilmember, District 2

Caring for the People and Environment of Pacifica


Author: mdrag
