City of HMB Electrification Workshop: California Goal to Cap/Decommission All Gas Lines by 2045

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VIDEO. From the City of Half Moon Bay Office of Sustainability workshop August 12th, 2021 by Zoom, in partnership with the Half Moon Bay Coastside Chamber of Commerce.

Zoom discussion on August 12, 2021, about the draft Building Electrification ordinance for the City of Half Moon Bay.

Co-Host: Peninsula Clean Energy: Building “Reach” Codes.

  • Align with climate change goals
  • Healthier homes
  • LOTS of incentives offered
  • Most gas appliances have electrical components that control the gas, such as furnaces, water heater and dryer and gas pipe breaks in earthquakes
  • PSPS blackouts and grid analysis


City of Half Moon Bay’s Building Electrification Workshop; Gas Equals 80% of Building Emissions

Thu August 12 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

You’re invited to join City staff along with The Half Moon Bay Chamber of Commerce and Peninsula Clean Energy on August 12 at 2 p.m. to learn more about Half Moon Bay’s proposed Building Electrification Ordinance. At this workshop, Half Moon Bay staff will discuss the purpose and elements of the proposed Building Electrification Ordinance, answer your questions, and gather comments and suggestions for consideration in the draft Ordinance. Peninsula Clean Energy staff will discuss their current incentive programs and technical assistance for solar panel systems.
The meeting will be held via Zoom teleconference:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 8551 6623

According to most recent data, 48% of the greenhouse gas emissions generated in Half Moon Bay come from energy use in buildings, with 80% of those emissions coming from natural gas and propane-powered energy.

To help curb these emissions and work toward a cleaner environment, the City is proposing an ordinance that would require all new construction be electric-only buildings, and would phase out fuel gas applications and distribution in existing buildings by 2045.
You’re invited to join City Staff along with Peninsula Clean Energy and The Half Moon Bay Chamber of Commerce on August 12 at 2 pm to learn more about Half Moon Bay’s proposed building electrification ordinance. At this workshop, Half Moon Bay staff will discuss the purpose and elements of the ordinance, answer your questions, and consider comments and suggested edits to the draft ordinance. Peninsula Clean Energy staff will discuss their current incentive programs and technical assistance for solar panel systems.
The meeting will be held via Zoom teleconference – log in details and more information will be provided in an upcoming eNews and on the City’s Building Electrification web page. Please save the date – your insight will be invaluable in creating effective policy in the face of climate change!
To view the draft ordinance and Frequently Asked Questions, please visit
To view the draft Ordinance and accompanying FAQ document, please visit the City’s dedicated building electrification website.
Updates on Ordinance progress and future outreach activities will be sent through this email list, the City’s eNews, the Sustainability Source newsletter, and on the website.
his email was sent to subscribers to Half Moon Bay’s Building Electrification Ordinance Updates. To learn about and subscribe to the City’s
other periodic emails, please visit the City’s Newsletter web page.
Any questions, comments, or requests to meet during staff office hours should be directed to Veronika Vostinak by email or phone 650-750-2019.


Próximo taller de electrificación de edificios – 12 de agosto a las 2:00pm

Según los datos más recientes, el 48% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero generadas en Half Moon Bay provienen del uso de energía en los edificios, y el 80% de esas emisiones provienen del gas natural y la energía alimentada con propano. Para ayudar a frenar estas emisiones y trabajar hacia un medio ambiente más limpio, la Ciudad está proponiendo una ordenanza que requeriría que todas las nuevas construcciones sean solo edificios eléctricos y eliminaría gradualmente las aplicaciones y distribución de gas combustible en los edificios existentes para el año 2045.
Está invitado a unirse al personal de la ciudad junto con Peninsula Clean Energy y la Cámara de Comercio de Half Moon Bay el 12 de agosto a las 2 pm para obtener más información sobre la ordenanza de electrificación de edificios propuesta por Half Moon Bay. En este taller, el personal de Half Moon Bay discutirá el propósito y los elementos de la ordenanza, responderá a sus preguntas y considerará los comentarios y las modificaciones sugeridas al borrador de la ordenanza. El personal de Peninsula Clean Energy discutirá sus programas de incentivos actuales y asistencia técnica para sistemas de paneles solares.
La reunión se llevará a cabo a través de la teleconferencia de Zoom; se proporcionarán detalles de inicio de sesión y más información en unas noticias electrónicas próximas y en la página web de Electrificación de Edificios de la Ciudad. Por favor, reserve la fecha: ¡su conocimiento será invaluable para crear políticas efectivas frente al cambio climático!
Para ver el borrador de la ordenanza y las Preguntas frecuentes, visite

City Council of Half Moon Bay Meets ~ 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00pm

HMB City Council Agendas and Zoom Links

HMB City Calendar

The New Now ~ Virtual Remote Public Agency Meetings

Watch streaming, or the Pacifica Coast TV video, that we will post. Stay tuned!
The meeting will be held at the Adcock Community Center for any members of the public who wish to speak in person, though we do encourage all members to participate remotely.
The meeting will be:

Members or the public are welcome to submit comments (in accordance with the three-minute per speaker limit) via email

to [email protected] prior to or during the meeting, via Facebook live during the meeting, and via two phone lines during the meeting – (650) 477-4963 (English) and (650) 445-3090 (Spanish).
The City Clerk will read all comments into the record.

HMB City Council Agendas and Zoom Links

HMB City Calendar

Leave messages with the Clerk’s Department at 650-726-8250

    1. Robert Brownstone

      Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
    2. Debbie Ruddock

      Vice Mayor
      Phone: 650-726
    3. Deborah Penrose

      Council Member
      Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
    4. Harvey Rarback

      Council Member
      Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
    5. Joaquin Jimenez

      Council Member
      Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)

The City Council of Half Moon Bay

The City Council of Half Moon Bay is the City’s governing body, and consists of five elected members. The Council sets priorities and policies, makes final decisions on all major City matters, adopts ordinances and resolutions, appoints the City Manager and City Attorney, and approves the annual budget.

City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. There are no term limits in Half Moon Bay. The City Council selects one of its members to serve as Mayor and one to serve as Vice Mayor, on an annual basis.

The Half Moon Bay City Council typically meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month starting at 7 pm at the Ted Adcock Community Center, 535 Kelly Avenue.

Meetings and Agendas

The City Council typically meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, at 7 pm, at Ted Adcock Community Center, 535 Kelly Avenue. City Council meeting schedule, agendas, minutes, and videos are available online. Planning on attending a City Council Meeting? Please visit our “Commenting at a City Council Meeting” information page. You can also learn about City Council Procedures and Decorum.

Strategic Elements

The City Council develops Strategic Elements to help focus the City’s actions and work plans on its key priorities. The Strategic Elements are aimed at providing high quality public services and facilities in a fiscally sustainable, responsive, and friendly manner, which fosters a safe, healthy, and thriving community.


Half Moon Bay City Council Subcommittees

  • CSFA Grant Selection
  • Education
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Legislative Affairs
  • Mobility

Half Moon Bay City Council Strategic Plan

The City Council develops Strategic Elements, Priorities, and a Capital Improvement Program to help guide the City’s actions and work plans, and focus efforts on addressing the City’s identified priority initiatives. Together, these comprise the City’s Strategic Plan.

Below is a summary noting each of the Strategic Elements and Priorities.

Click herefor more detailed information and explanations of the Strategic Elements and Strategic Priorities.


City Council Strategic Elements

Fiscal Sustainability
Healthy Communities 
and Public Safety
Inclusive Governance Infrastructure and Environment

The overarching Strategic Elements describe how the City will conduct its operations in service to the community, and are based on the principles and values that outline the City’s purposes. They offer focus toward the City Council’s key priorities, and are aimed at providing high quality public services and facilities in a fiscally sustainable, responsive, and friendly manner, fostering a safe, healthy, and thriving community.


City Council Priorities – FY 2019-20

Affordable Housing Emergency Preparedness Traffic and TDM Sustainability Minimum Wage

Priorities are more specific areas which the City Council deems as critical to address during a given fiscal year (or over multiple fiscal years). Each Priority has a specific set of actions to be taken, which in turn contribute to and outline the staff’s objectives and work plans.


City Council Priorities – FY 2018-19

Housing Homelessness Cannabis Short Term Rentals Parks Master Plan

Click here for more details on the FY 2018-19 Council Priorities.


Capital Improvement Program

The City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) addresses the community’s needs for planned infrastructure improvements over a rolling five-year period. The CIP is intended to respond to the identified needs of the community, to ensure major infrastructure – such as streets, parks, trails, public facilities, sewers, and drainage – are well-maintained for maximum safety, public use, and enjoyment. Click here to download the Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2019-20 to 2023-24.

More on Electrification on Coastside Buzz


The Sporkful Podcast Explores a World WithOUT Cooking With Gas: Induction


Author: mdrag
