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VIDEO. From the Half Moon Bay Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022 at 6:00pm by Zoom.
The Johnston House of Half Moon Bay, California
Really Excellent Video. Learn about the history of the James Johnston House. The house sits on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean, east of Route One, just south of the city of Half Moon Bay. Isolated, its silhouette is a remarkable sight against the rolling hillsides golden brown until the winter rains turns them green. The classic New England saltbox (two stories in front, one in back) was built by ’49er pioneer James Johnston between 1853-1855, for his Californiano bride, Petra Maria de Jara. ~ Thanks HMB Media
James Johnston
Room by Room Video Tour Tells Story of Multi-Cultural Johnston Family Home in HMB
Take a video tour of the Johnston house! Gail Stevens, Half Moon Bay History Association and Johnston House docent, takes us through the house room by room, telling its story and the story of the people who lived there. A guided glimpse into the past, mid 19th century, through the home of a multi-cultural, multi-lingual leading family on the Coastside. Tour conducted by Gail Stevens in August 2020.
The Johnston House Foundation was formed in 1971 to protect, preserve, restore, and refurbish the James Johnston House and to promote the history of the Coastside and California.
The Half Moon Bay History Association is dedicated to bringing together all members of the community to preserve and share the history of the San Mateo County Coastside.
Production Notes
Filmed mostly in August 2020.
Cameras: Rob Carey & Michelle Dragony.
Video edit: Rob Carey / Coastside Video.
Video edit assistance: Liane Brookhart.
Music is public domain, or approved for non-commercial use.
Copyright © 2020 Rob Carey & Coastside Video & other parties. Shared to Coastside Buzz with permission.
Coastside Video version 201230.
Contact: CoastsideVideo at
City of HMB Parks and Recreation Commission Meetings ~ 4th Wednesday @ 6:00pm
Watch remotely. Comments and questions by email.
Half Moon Bay Parks and Recreation Commission Agendas
The Parks and Recreation Commission advises the City Council on the full range of issues around our community’s parks, playing fields, recreation programming, and a variety of special events provided to the community.