Chief Cosgrave Interviews: State of CERT With HMB City Manager, Bob Nisbet

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VIDEO.  Coastside Half Moon Bay City Manager on the state of CERT and the City of Half Moon Bay on Wed. June 17th, 2020 via Zoom. Deputy City Manager, Matthew Chidester was also in attendance.

The City Manager is the chief administrative officer of Half Moon Bay, providing support to residents, members of the City Council, and staff. This position, appointed by the City Council, implements municipal policy and supervises the day-to-day operations of all city departments and staff, and is the liaison between the residents and the government, meeting with community members, businesses, and other stakeholders.
The City Manager attends all City Council meetings, hires personnel, develops fiscal plans, regulates building activities, and maintains a unique understanding of how all city operations function together.
The City Manager is also responsible for preparing and managing the City’s budget for consideration and adoption by the City Council, which balances the costs of providing City services with its available financial resources.


David Cosgrave, San Mateo County Battalion 10

Serving Coastside Fire Protection District
San Mateo/Santa Cruz Unit Battalion 10-A
Cell (650) 740-7247
or call the
On-Duty Bayside Battalion Chief (877) 298-1711
On-Duty Coastside Battalion Chief (877) 298-1712

Proudly Serving Coastside Fire Protection District and San Mateo County Fire Department 

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Coastside CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is an emergency preparedness volunteer organization focused on creating a ready and resilient community along the San Francisco Bay Area coast from the southern side of the Tom Lantos Tunnel (Devil’s Slide) to Tunitas Creek Road.

Join Us   If you’d like to join Coastside CERT, please fill out this form.

Coastside Buzz’s Coastside Disaster Prep Page to learn more




Previous Chief Cosgrave Interviews:

Chief Cosgrave Interviews: EMTs, Fire Volunteers and Businesses Chime in on Covid-19  5/29/2020


Coastside CERT and the Earthquake Country Alliance Host Part 2 of the Coastside Great “ShakeIN”  5/20/2020


Coastside CERT and theEarthquake Country Alliance Host Part 1 of the Coastside Great “ShakeIN”  5/13/2020


Chief Cosgrave Interviews: “Infection Prevention Essentials for Coastsiders” by Dr. Ronald Gemberling 6/4/2020



Fire Battalion Chief David Cosgrave’s Weekly Coronavirus Updates on

First week of SIP; how to stay safe; eliminate home tripping hazards; pantry update

Links for help; public health guidelines; standing water removal; what CERTs are during doing SIP; how & when will this get better

Coping with SIP; volunteering safely/keeping your volunteers safe; prepare for wildfire season; mental health & reducing stress

SIP journey; neighbor to neighbor check-ins; how to get up if you are alone and have fallen

Appreciations: CERT citizen response, first responders, leaders in municipalities, social services, radio communications, reporting & publishing; preparing for journey back; earthquake safety: earthquake safety checklist & securing your space, local earthquake hazard map

Groundhog Day; State volunteer programs, 4 outstanding nonprofits meeting immediate needs for COVID-19 affected Coastsiders: Senior Coastsiders, Coastside Crisis Fund, Coastside Hope, ALAS; masks, COVID-19 testing: Chief Cosgrave’s video; PG&E power shut-off prep

SMC COVID-19 detail; Chief Cosgrave’s test results; Census 2020; Chief Cox’s wildfire prep video; Coastside Gives: support hyperlocal nonprofits responding to COVID-19; Senior Coastsiders video: Delivering Love

Thank you to Coastside Gives donors!; respect to Public Health Officers, COVID-19 self-protective measures; 2nd Census 2020 link; preparing for Great ShakeOut 10/15, first of two Great ShakeIn webinar sign ups: Part 1 “Coastal Earthquakes and Tsunamis;” 1st anniversary of CFPD sponsorship

Great ShakeIn webinar: Part 1 “Coastal Earthquakes and Tsunamis”, sign up for Great ShakeIn video Part 2 “Surviving Earthquakes & MyShake App“; SMC COVID-19 cases update by zip code, Dr. Morrow’s new health orders here and here, Dr Erin Bromage COVID-19 infectious conditions video and explainer; CHP water rescue with Chief Lord and Chief Cosgrave; Yale Class “The Science of Well-Being;” antigen test results

Great ShakeIn webinars Part 1 and Part 2; “COVID on the Coast – Local Experiences” panel discussion webinar sign-up; Memorial Day weekend personal health & safety considerations, Exposure Notification Contact Tracing, talking with children about COVID-19.

Staying safe & well while re-entering society, “COVID on the Coast – Local Experiences” panel discussion webinar, mask slackers, Coronavirus Conundrum: experiencing all 4 stages of an emergency concurrently

Social distancing walks & hikes; HMB COVID testing; Congrats grads!; peaceful protest at the jetty; beach safety, sand collapse news video, safety tips for visitors; Dr. Gemberling’s fomite webinar, COVID contagion chart; social distancing strategies, Dr. Morrow’s must read “Health Officer Statements” on social reentry; mask packing, tweet: arson investigator Tess

National Mosquito Control Awareness Week, Vector Control; Webinar invite: Health of the City with Bob Nisbet, HMB City Manager; COVID case updates from SMC Health and SMC Manager, all county update videos; HMB COVID testing appts. 100% filled!; “The more we know the more we don’t,” Coronavirus May Be a Blood Vessel Disease, Which Explains Everything; 8 Things We Got Wrong About the First Deadly Pandemic


Author: mdrag
