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Last weekend I taught Triage at the First Coastside CERT Rodeo.It took me a while to understand triage and it was hard to teach, for me. Coastside Half Moon Bay Cal Fire Battalion Chief Dave Cosgrave broke it down to:
Green ~ Reserved for the “walking wounded” who will need medical care at some point, after more critical injuries have been treated.. “If you can walk, walk to the green triage tarp”.
Black ~ Dead. 10 second triage. They must breathe in 10 seconds. If not, you move on doing the greatest good for the greatest number. CERT do not move the dead. For the deceased and for those whose injuries are so extensive that they will not be able to survive given the care that is available.
Red ~ (immediate) are used to label those who cannot survive without immediate treatment but who have a chance of survival.
30+ – 2+ – CAN DO?
- 30+ seconds respirations >> Red/ Immediate
- 2+ seconds capillary refill >> Red/ Immediate
- No Can Do? >> Red/ Immediate
Yellow ~ For those who require observation (and possible later re-triage). Their condition is stable for the moment and, they are not in immediate danger of death. These victims will still need hospital care and would be treated immediately under normal circumstances. If they are not Green, Black or Red … They are yellow!
Concise Triage Card
(Thanks to Michelle Moon)

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