CCWD Lost Biggest Customer When Bay City Closed. What Does That Mean?

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VIDEO. New General Manager, Mary Rogren, reviews 2020-2021 Operations Budget with the Coastside County Water District (CCWD) Board at the 2/11/2020 meeting.

Bay City Flower parcel has new tenant. 2020-2021 CCWD has planned  for a 50% reduction from this parcel. CCWD used 606 million gallons per year as of end 2019. Next year, if there is a 50% reduction for water usage for the Bay City parcel. Water usage could drop to 590 million gallons in 2021.

Reduction in usage = Reduction in revenue for CCWD.


Watch the presentation and discussion.



Tuesday, February 11, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.

Download Agenda (116KB) | Agenda with attachments (4.5MB) ]

The Coastside County Water District (CCWD) does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. Upon request, the agenda and agenda packet materials can be provided in a format to accommodate special needs. If you require a copy of the agenda or related materials in an alternative format to accommodate a disability, or if you wish to attend this public meeting and will require special assistance or other special equipment, please call the District at (650) 726-4405 in advance and we will make every reasonable attempt to provide such an accommodation.

All public records relating to an open session item on this agenda, which are not exempt from disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act, that are distributed to a majority of the legislative body will be available for public inspection at the CCWD District Office, located at 766 Main Street, Half Moon Bay, CA at the same time that the public records are distributed or made available to the legislative body.

This agenda and accompanying materials can be viewed on Coastside County Water District’s website located at:

The Board of the Coastside County Water District reserves the right to take action on any item included on this agenda.




At this time members of the public may address the Board of Directors on issues not listed on the agenda which are within the purview of the Coastside County Water District. Comments on matters that are listed on the agenda may be made at the time the Board is considering each item. Each speaker is allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes and must complete and submit a speaker slip. The President of the Board will recognize each speaker, at which time the speaker should proceed to the podium, give their name and address and provide their comments to the Board.


The following matters before the Board of Directors are recommended for action as stated by the General Manager. All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered as routine by the Board of Directors, and will be acted upon by a single vote of the Board. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Board so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item.

  1. Approval of disbursements for the month ending January 31, 2020:
    Claims: $1,407,027.92; Payroll: $172,392.63 for a total of $1,579,205.55 (attachment)
    • January 2020 Monthly Financial Claims reviewed and approved by Director Coverdell
  2. Acceptance of Financial Reports (attachment)
  3. Approval of Minutes of January 14, 2020 Public Hearing (attachment)
  4. Approval of Minutes of January 14, 2020 Regular Board of Directors Meeting (attachment)
  5. Approval of Minutes of January 28, 2020 Special Board Meeting (attachment)
  6. Approval of Minutes of January 28, 2020 Public Hearing (attachment)
  7. Installed Water Connection Capacity and Water Meters Report (attachment)
  8. Total CCWD Production Report (attachment)
  9. CCWD Monthly Sales by Category Report – January 2020 (attachment)
  10. Monthly Planned Plant or Tank Discharge and New Water Line Flushing Report (attachment)
  11. Monthly Rainfall Reports (attachment)
  12. S.F.P.U.C. Hydrological Report for the month of January 2020 (attachment)



  1. Proposed Adoption of Ordinance 2020-01 to change the Coastside County Water District’s Electoral System from At-Large to By-Zone Elections with Respect to Electing Members of the Board of Directors, and to Establish Zone Boundaries and Sequencing of Elections Within the Zones (attachment)
  2. Award of Contract for Preliminary Design Engineering Services and Basis of Design Report to HDR Engineering Inc. for the Nunes Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project (attachment)
  3. Approval of Professional Services Agreement with WRA Environmental Consultants to prepare a California Environmental Quality Act Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and a Cultural Resources Report for the Pilarcitos Creek Crossing Pipeline Replacement Project (attachment)
  4. Rescind an Award of Contract to American Eagle Roofing (awarded at the October 15, 2019 Board Meeting) and Award of Contract to Central Roofing Inc. for 766 Main Street Roof Replacement (attachment)
  5. Fiscal Year Budget Process Timeline (attachment)
  6. Draft Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Operations and Maintenance Budget and Draft Fiscal Year 2020-2021 to 2029-2030 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (attachment)


  1. Superintendent of Operations Report (attachment)





CALL AHEAD. Board meetings can be rescheduled.  Get on their email list to be notified of meeting changes. please sign up here.

Regular meetings of the CCWD Board of Directors are held once each month on the second Tuesday. Regular meetings commence at 7:00 p.m. and are held in the District Office located at 766 Main Street, Half Moon Bay.

The date, time and place of a regular meeting may be changed by the Board of Directors in specific cases by a motion duly passed at a meeting duly called and held. Public notice shall be posted of any such change in the date, time or place of a regular meeting.

Posting Locations for the Agendas of the Regular / Special Board Meetings:

  • CCWD Office (Front Door)
  • City of Half Moon Bay Bulletin Board
  • Half Moon Bay Library
  • CCWD Website

If you would like to receive the monthly CCWD Board Meeting Agendas by e-mail, please sign up here.

Board of Directors

Bob FeldmanPresident – member since April 2016 – Term ends November 2018
email: [email protected]

Ken CoverdellVice President – member since May 1992 – Term ends November 2020
email: [email protected]

Arnie GlassbergDirector – member since November 2013 – Term ends November 2020
email: [email protected]

Chris MickelsenDirector – member since November 2001 – Term ends November 2018
email: [email protected]

Glenn ReynoldsDirector – member since November 2011 – Term ends November 2020
email: [email protected]

PDF Election Procedures for Board Members

PDF Code of Conduct for Board of Directors and District Officials, approved April 13, 2004, amended Oct. 10, 2006

PDF Agency Report of Public Official Appointments – California Form 806

PDF Public Service Ethics Education Proof of Participation Certificates

PDF Compliance with Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Section 54950 et al) – Resolution 2004-06


Want to Track Your Water Useage and Find Leaks?

ARTICLE / LINKS. Coastside County Water District launches WaterSmart customer web portal.

Register for WaterSmart for FREE!

Save money on your water bill. Set up leak alerts that might cause water damage. View usage history, get money saving recommendations from your phone. All you need is your account ID and your zip code.

Step One: Register (your water account number is your registration code)

Step Two: Personalize your information

Step Three: Learn about your daily, monthly, seasonal and annual water usage

Do you have a question about WaterSmart or do you need assistance with registering?

Email [email protected] for help.

Coastside County Water District
766 Main Street
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
Tel. 650-726-4405 | Fax 650-726-5245

Author: mdrag
