City of HMB Discusses The BID: Business Improvement District and Loss of TOT Transient Occupancy Tax
VIDEO. TOT is the lifeblood of HMB. The BID can help. Presented at 5/19/2020 City of Half Moon Bay’s City…
Baseline Journalism. Click, Learn, Think, Act, Vote…
VIDEO. TOT is the lifeblood of HMB. The BID can help. Presented at 5/19/2020 City of Half Moon Bay’s City…
VIDEO and POWERPOINT. May 11th, 2020, SAM Agenda Princeton Force Main Presentation Princeton Force Main Presentation by Sewer Authority…
VIDEO and PLAN. I rarely post from personal perspective, but since I am on the Granada Community Services District Parks…
NOTICE. These are the rules that *will* apply after Pillar Point Harbor opens. That won’t happen until after the County…
VIDEO. Half Moon Bay City Council’s, Debbie Ruddock, came up with brilliant nudge to encourage people to wear masks on…
VIDEO. During the 5/15/2020, 6:00pm, Covid-19 Special Meeting, City Council, Staff and the Sheriff’s Department discuss how to get the…
VIDEO. Meeting for 5/11/2020. Discuss Proposed Revised General Budget for Fiscal Year 2020- 21 and Authorize the General Manager to…
VIDEO. 5/14/2020 Meeting Agenda Update on COVID-19’s Impact on CUSD Operations. Powerpoint for presentation Meeting, Dates, Agendas, Webinar Link…
SAMCEDA Business Survey: The San Mateo County Economic Development Association (SAMCEDA) is conducting a survey of businesses throughout the County…
VIDEO. Happpened Tues. May 19 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. Hello Coastsiders, Earthquake and Tsunami Webinars We met online on Tuesday, May…