Catch-Up with the Half Moon Bay City Council ~ Jim Fox, Trash, Disposable Foodware

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2/18/2020 Agenda

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Couldn’t make it to the City Council meeting on Tuesday night?

Here’s a quick re-cap of what happened:

  • City Council presented a proclamation to Tim and Connie Fox, in memory of Jim Fox who was the City Attorney for the City of Half Moon Bay for nine years beginning in 1974. He also served as the District Attorney for San Mateo County from 1982 to 2010. Jim was praised throughout his career by his colleagues, friends, and elected officials as a class act, hard worker, and an honest man, while serving the law faithfully for more than four decades. His son Tim provided a heartwarming tribute at the City Council Meeting. Jim will be greatly missed.

  • The City of Half Moon Bay partnered with Republic Services to provide an update on the City’s Solid Waste Franchise Agreement and the global status of recycling. One of the key messages highlighted in the presentation was the need the focus more on reducing and reusing, and less on recycling due to shrinking offshore markets for recycling materials. Additional topics included the need to educate/re-educate the community on how to properly sort their material to reduce contamination, and Republic Services’ plan to increase community outreach and education opportunities in 2020.

  • Information was provided in a study session to the Council on options for a disposable foodware ordinance to eliminate single-use plastic foodware and accessories by replacing them with natural-fiber, compostable alternatives. Council directed staff to finalize an ordinance based on the County of San Mateo’s model ordinance with additions to limit the distribution of accessories to “on request” only and to encourage businesses to switch to reusable alternatives. Staff will work with the Half Moon Bay Chamber of Commerce to conduct outreach to businesses and return with the ordinance for introduction within 90 days.
Author: mdrag
