Cannabis Nursery Starts in HMB? Read and Comment on the DRAFT Ordinance

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Cannabis Nursery Starts in HMB?

Find out more. Read and Comment on the City of HMB Cannabis Nursery starts DRAFT Ordinance.

With the November 8, 2016, passage of Proposition 64, California voters legalized the adult-use of marijuana (also referred to as cannabis) under state law and directed state agencies to develop a regulatory and licensing program for commercial cannabis activities. Local governments have the authority to further regulate these commercial cannabis activities (both medicinal and adult-use) within their jurisdictions. Pursuant to initial City Council direction, the City of Half Moon Bay is studying options for regulating and licensing limited commercial cannabis businesses at a few sites within the City. This web page will provide the community with information about upcoming and previous meetings and opportunities for input, City Council direction and actions, and other news and materials.

Draft Ordinance

At the direction of the City Council at their November 21, 2017 meeting, the City has drafted an ordinance for review and discussion, which would allow only limited commercial greenhouse cultivation of immature, non-flowering cannabis nursery plants, on limited sites in Half Moon Bay. The nurseries could only grow small, non-flowering cannabis plants that would be transported out of the City before they matured. No retail sales to the public would be allowed. The proposed ordinance would continue the City’s existing prohibition on all other commercial cannabis businesses within Half Moon Bay.

The draft cannabis nursery ordinance and an overview/summary are available here

You can provide comments on the draft ordinance here.

The City is encouraging community feedback and comments on the draft cannabis nursery ordinance – over the coming weeks a variety of opportunities will be made available for discussion and input, in addition to the comment form above. This information will be considered by staff in finalizing the draft ordinance and will be provided to the City Council at a future public meeting, which will include additional opportunity for public comment, City Council discussion, and potential direction on the first reading and consideration of the ordinance at a public hearing.

As a separate process, the City is researching the implications of other types of commercial cannabis operations, including retail activities. Once that research is complete, a second, separate community information and input process will take place including community meetings and a survey.


Please visit the links below for an overview of the issue’s background, and information on Half Moon Bay’s meetings and actions on the potential local regulations and licensing related to adult use and medicinal cannabis businesses within the City.

Half Moon Bay Background of Cannabis Issue
State of California – Background and Links
Local Media Coverage

Author: mdrag
