Cabrillo Unified School District (CUSD) Highlights How to Access their Comprehensive Mental Health Program for Students, Staff and Families

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VIDEO. From the Cabrillo Unified School District (CUSD) meeting on Thursday, August 11th, 2022 at 7:00pm by Zoom.

Cabrillo Unified School District’s Governing Board will receive a report on the District’s robust social emotional learning initiatives and mental health supports for students, staff, and families. In line with our MTSS framework, our comprehensive mental health program for schools provides an array of supports and services to promote positive school climate, social emotional learning, mental health, and well-being to reduce the prevalence and severity of mental illness in our school community. The focus of this report is to not only inform about the different supports and services but to also highlight how to access those resources and the timing of communication of when programs are implemented or presented throughout the school year.


Support for the District’s social emotional learning and mental health programing come from the general fund, Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), a grant from the Mental Health Student Services Act of 2019 (MHSSA), and State Mental Health Grant.


This item is presented for information only



[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”5.c.1 ESS_ Comprehensive Mental Health Program Presentation”]




Cabrillo Unified School District (CUSD) Meetings ~ 2nd Thursday @ 7:00pm

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Cabrillo Unified School District Website

Meeting, Dates, Agendas, Webinar Link and More…


The Cabrillo Unified School District is located just south of San Francisco on the beautiful Pacific Coast. The District was established on July 1, 1965 and encompasses an area of approximately 135 square miles. The District currently operates four elementary schools, one intermediate school, one high school, a continuation school, and an adult education program.


The mission of the Cabrillo Unified School District – an exemplary learning community committed to valuing our distinct cultural identities – is to develop critical thinkers and socially responsible citizens who actively participate in their individual learning and development and are fully prepared to embrace their next challenge. We accomplish this by utilizing our unique natural resources and engaging the entire Coastside community and its partners in providing a rich and academically rigorous curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment.


Board Members

The Cabrillo Unified School District School Governing Board is comprised of five school board members who are elected by the local community. The role of the school board is to provide leadership and oversight of the district. The Board ensures that the district is responsive to the values, beliefs, and priorities of the community.

The term of office for school board members elected in regular elections is four years, beginning on the second Friday in December after their election.  The board meets at least once a month at the District Office, 498 Kelly Avenue, Half Moon Bay. Meetings are open to the public and are usually held on Thursday nights at 6 pm.  A portion of the board meeting consists of a “closed” session for the purpose of discussing confidential matters, such as personnel or student issues.

District Board of Trustees:

Term: 2018-2022
[email protected]
Vice President

Term: 2018-2022
[email protected]

 Board Member SOPHIA LAYNE
Clerk to the Governing Board
Term: 2020-2024
[email protected]
Term: 2020-2024
[email protected]
 Board Member LIZET CORTES
Term: 2018-2022
[email protected]

What does the School Board do?

The Board works with the Superintendent to fulfill its major responsibilities, which includes:

  • Setting the direction for the district
  • Establishing an effective and efficient organizational structure for the district
  • Providing support to the Superintendent and staff
  • Ensuring accountability to the public for the performance of the district’s school
  • Providing community leadership and advocacy on behalf of students, the district’s educational program, and public education
  • Ensuring that the district is meeting its commitments to parents/guardians, all members of the community, employees, the state of California, laws pertaining to education, and established policies of the district

Governing Board Committees & Assignments

Committees and Assignments Board Member(s)
San Mateo County Committee on School District Organization Freya McCamant (Sophia Layne, back-up)
Career Technical Education Advisory Committee Freya McCamant & Lizet Cortes
City-District (2+2) Committee Mary Beth Alexander & Freya McCamant
CSBA & Legislative Action Representatives Kimberly Hines & Sophia Layne
District English Learner Advisory Committee Lizet Cortes (Sophia Layne, back-up)
Environmental Sustainability Committee Freya McCamant & Lizet Cortes
Budget Advisory Committee Mary Beth Alexander & Sophia Layne
Latino Round Table  Sophia Layne & Lizet Cortes
LGBTQ Round Table Sophia Layne & Kimberly Hines
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Alliance Mary Beth Alexander & Sophia Layne
San Mateo County School Board Association Mary Beth Alexander & Sophia Layne
Visual and Performing Arts Committee Kimberly Hines & Lizet Cortes


[email protected]

Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
[email protected]
(650) 712-7112

Author: mdrag
