Cabrillo Unified School District Appoints Interim Superintendent Dr. Jeff Harding

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PRESS RELEASE. From Cabrillo Unified School District on Wednesday, October 30th, 2024.

Dear Cabrillo community,

On behalf of the CUSD Board of Trustees, I would like to announce the appointment of Dr. Jeff Harding as Interim Superintendent.  Dr. Harding’s appointment is intended to ensure the smooth continuity of District operations while Superintendent Lee-Alva is on an approved leave of absence.  We look forward to Superintendent Lee-Alva’s return and know that bringing in a seasoned administrator as an interim will help minimize disruption to administrators and staff and support the District’s mission of providing a strong and comprehensive education for all our students.

Dr. Jeff Harding

The Board welcomes Dr. Harding beginning tomorrow, October 31. Dr. Harding is an experienced superintendent who has successfully served multiple interim appointments. He retired from a 38-year career in education as a teacher, principal, and district superintendent. He began his career teaching environmental education and mathematics. As he entered school leadership, Dr. Harding was selected as the founding principal of Windsor High School. Later, he served as Superintendent of the Healdsburg Unified School District and the Mountain View/Los Altos High School District. Dr. Harding also taught classes at Sonoma State University, where he helped prepare aspiring school principals. He remains active in the field by working part-time as the Administrator for Special Projects for the Sonoma County Office of Education. Dr. Harding is an honors graduate from U.C. Berkeley and later earned a doctorate degree at the University of La Verne, completing his dissertation on the development of positive school culture. Dr. Harding is married and has four sons, ages 29 to 34, and resides in Sebastopol.

Please welcome Dr. Harding to the Cabrillo community. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to continuing this school year with positive momentum.

Kimberly Hines, President, Board of Trustees, Cabrillo Unified School District (CUSD)

More on CUSD on Coastside Buzz

Cabrillo Unified School District (CUSD) Trustee Meetings ~ 2nd Thursday @ 6:00pm

The Cabrillo Unified School District School Governing Board is comprised of five school board members who are elected by the local community. The role of the school board is to provide leadership and oversight of the district. The Board ensures that the district is responsive to the values, beliefs, and priorities of the community.

The term of office for school board members elected in regular elections is four years, beginning on the second Friday in December after their election.  The board meets at least once a month at the District Office, 498 Kelly Avenue, Half Moon Bay. Meetings are open to the public and are usually held on Thursday nights at 6 pm.  A portion of the board meeting consists of a “closed” session for the purpose of discussing confidential matters, such as personnel or student issues.

District Board of Trustees

Term: 2020-2024
[email protected]
 Carmen Daniel
Vice PresidentTerm: 2022-2026
[email protected]
Term: 2022-2026
[email protected]
Term: 2022-2026
[email protected]
Term: 2020-2024
[email protected]

District Elections & Trustee Area Maps

What District Area do I belong to?

CUSD residents can visit this map and type in their address to learn which Trustee Area represents them on the CUSD Governing Board.

Who is my District Area representative?

Trustee Area A:  Carmen Daniel (Term expires: 2026)
Trustee Area B:  Kimberly Hines (Term expires: 2024)
Trustee Area C:  Lizet Cortes (Term expires: 2026)
Trustee Area D:  Sophia Layne (Term expires: 2024)
Trustee Area E:  Mary Beth Alexander (Term expires: 2026)

More on CUSD Maps and Districts

What does the School Board do?

The Board works with the Superintendent to fulfill its major responsibilities, which includes:

  • Setting the direction for the district
  • Establishing an effective and efficient organizational structure for the district
  • Providing support to the Superintendent and staff
  • Ensuring accountability to the public for the performance of the district’s school
  • Providing community leadership and advocacy on behalf of students, the district’s educational program, and public education
  • Ensuring that the district is meeting its commitments to parents/guardians, all members of the community, employees, the state of California, laws pertaining to education, and established policies of the district
Author: mdrag
