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Podcast. CLICK HERE to listen to a music infused version of Pete the Cat; I love my White Shoes. On the 4th of July, at the HMB Pancake breakfast, I met a Bedtime Story fan ~ Chester. He told me that his favorite BTS podcast was Mr. Peabody’s Apples.
I asked him what his current favorite book was and he said, Pete the Cat; I love my White Shoes. Well, we googled Pete right then and there. I turned to Chester and said, “I will read, Pete the Cat for you on BTS! Grins all round.
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes, when producing a BTS, I usually go online to find the text for the book to read from, as turning pages doesn’t sound good for a podcast. In the this case, there was no text anywhere. I needed to buy the book. Could have found the book at the library, but I love books and I wanted my own Pete book. I always buy my books from Inkspell Books in HMB, and a bought a brand new hardcover of the book. Â It has a schnazzy sticker on the front cover that said, “For Free Song go to…”.
I went to, and found, an incredibly infectious version of the song on the Pete the Cat website. The story is produced by Eric Richards with music and kids singing. You’ll be humming this simple, catchy, infectious tune as you walk down the street in your ____ shoes! 😉  Buy the Book!
And Chester? I think I still owe you a story… email me your next request!
How to Use Bedtime Stories as an Independent Reading Tutor
Prepare your child for a relaxing audio podcast experience. Whether in the car, the store, or before bed, let your child immerse their ear in their imagination. School is largely auditory. So, prepare your kid to listen and visualize a story without TV or video. Just listen!
Then share the book to the audio. Listen and read. Allow your child to teach themselves to read. Using visual/audio anchor words your child will figure out the visual/sound connections by themselves. Eventually, they will be able to read the book to you all by themselves!