Approved. Parklet Pilot Project at Cafe Society on Main Street HMB

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ARTICLE. City of Half Moon Bay Planning Commission and City Planning Staff had a long parking conversation with the public during the 11/14/20 meeting. It is a pilot project, so feel free to give them feedback by email. Emails become part of the public comment record.

Have a listen. Please email your comments and idea to Jill Ekas ([email protected]) Community Development Director, or project planner, Scott Phillips ([email protected]), who presented the project at the meeting.


HMB Planning Commission Agendas

Agenda for 1/14/2020

Plan details included in the agenda.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”HMB Plan 1:14:20 agenda”]


PHOTO / AGENDA. Per the City of Half Moon Bay Architectural Advisory Committee (AAA) 11/21/19

Posted 12/8/2019.

The Architectural Advisory Committee (AAC) is not a decision-making committee. Their primary function is to provide design feedback to the Director, Planning Commission and City Council. In the case of the parklet, the AAC provided design and construction feedback to assist the Director in her decision. After reviewing the project, the Director referred the project to the Planning Commission.

The minutes from the meeting, as well as additional information on the AAC can be downloaded from the following City webpage: The minutes are included in the agenda pack for Friday’s AAC meeting.

Let me know if I can answer any other questions.  ~ City HMB Planner, Scott Phillips.

The project involves implementation of a temporary pilot project “parklet” consisting of tables, chairs, boardwalk, barricade, and landscaping of approximately 430 square feet within three vehicle parking spaces on Main Street. The improvements are designed to be removable when needed and have been evaluated by the City Engineer to ensure proper drainage and safety.

The primary purpose of the project is to establish high quality sidewalk café space in front of an existing Downtown café/restaurant business. Sidewalk dining space is a critical component to Downtown’s vitality; however, sidewalks throughout the primary retail span of Main Street are narrow and limit options for outside seating areas. This pilot project will be evaluated to guide future approaches to expanding sidewalk space and outdoor use options. City staff also recently conducted a parking occupancy survey of Downtown and found that parking spaces are available on this block or within one-half block of the pilot location during all of the numerous peak periods evaluated. Staff will consider parking and other impacts of this pilot relative to the anticipated benefits to the Downtown pedestrian environment. This pilot may lead to future design standards, ordinances, or streetscape improvements.

Cafe Society is paying for these improvements.

See Plans

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”AAC_Agenda Parklet_11.21.2019″]




The Architectural Advisory Committee (AAC) is a three-member committee. The AAC was formed to assist the City Council, Planning Commission, and City staff with design review of public projects and certain private development proposals. The AAC is advisory and will be involved in early review of projects before they advance to the Planning Commission or Community Development Director for public hearings. The AAC will primarily consider mixed-use, multi-family, and non-residential proposals as well as City projects such as streetscapes and new facilities. The AAC may also have the opportunity to provide input on design guidelines and aesthetic and design-related elements of various types of plans.

The AAC meets the third Thursday of every month at 8:30 AM at the Ted Adcock Community Center, South Dayroom (535 Kelly Avenue) and other advertised times as needed. The AAC consists of three members with professional experience in design and/or construction. The current AAC members include the following:

  • Chad Hooker
  • Linda Poncini
  • Steve Kikuchi

The agendas for the AAC are as follows:


AAC Agenda Packet – 12.13.2019 @ 8:30AM

AAC Agenda Packet – 11.21.2019 @8:30AM

AAC Agenda Packet – 10.17.2019 @ 8:30AM

For additional information, please contact the AAC staff liaison:

AAC Staff Liaison:

Scott Phillips
Associate Planner
[email protected] 
Phone: 650-726-8299


The Planning Commission consists of citizen volunteers appointed by the City Council to make decisions or advise the Council on land use and property development issues. The Commission assures that new development is consistent with our Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, long-range General Plan and Local Coastal Plan, State laws and other public policies that advance the interests of our community.


Brian Holt, Chair
James Benjamin, Vice Chair
Rick Hernandez
Sara Polgar
Steve Ruddock

Planning Commission meetings are held at 7 pm every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), 537 Kelly Avenue.

View agendas and minutes here.

To communicate with members of the Planning Commission, please use the staff contact information to the right.


Jill Ekas

Community Development Director


Bridget Jett

Consultant – Planning Analyst

Author: mdrag
