Apply to the California Coastal Commission’s Environmental Justice & Sea Level Rise Advisory Group

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JOB ANNOUNCEMENT. From the California Coastal Commission Environmental Justice Update, January 26th, 2023.

If you are interested in joining the Environmental Justice and Sea Level Rise advisory group, we invite you to fill out this interest form by Tuesday, January 31, 2023.


Dear Community Leaders,

The Commission is looking for 7-8 individuals to collaborate in an advisory group to support the development of new Commission policy guidance at the intersection of sea level rise and environmental justice.

The duration of the advisory group is approximately one year and will take a total of 10 working hours. Starting in spring 2023, advisory group commitments will include:

  • Attending one in person and two virtual meetings;
  • Providing feedback on a literature review of existing research and best practices related to environmental justice and sea level rise;
  • Reviewing and providing feedback on a draft policy guidance outline;
  • Offer suggestions for strategic community engagement for the Environmental Justice and Sea Level Rise policy guidance.

Some of the skills and experiences we are looking for in applicants can include any of the following:

  • Strong knowledge of environmental justice background, principles, and history
  • Experience working and/or collaborating with environmental justice and tribal communities in California
  • Involvement in community and/or grassroots organizing
  • Knowledge and understanding of sea level rise hazards in California
  • Experience with meaningful community engagement and outreach efforts
  • Experience with meaningful tribal engagement and outreach strategies

If you are interested in joining the Environmental Justice and Sea Level Rise advisory group, we invite you to fill out this interest form by Tuesday, January 31, 2023.


Please note that advisory group members cannot be employed by any state or local governments. Selection criteria also includes ensuring a broad geographic representation of individuals with experiences in different settings such as urban, suburban, rural, and/or tribal communities, etc.

Eligibility Clarification: Elected officials and/or planning commissioners will not be considered for the advisory group at this time in addition to staff from government agencies (local, regional, state). We will be conducting outreach to elected officials, planning commissioners, and government staff for input on the EJ and SLR policy guidance at a later date.

Commission staff will notify selected advisory group members in mid-February.

Compensation: Advisory group participants will receive an honorarium of approximately $75 per hour for their time and expertise. Members will be reimbursed for in-person meeting travel expenses and meals during the event.

For more information on the advisory group, click here.

If you have any questions about the project, please email

Author: mdrag
