San Mateo County Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month: One in Three Adolescent Girls are More Vulnerable and 81% of Parents Surveyed Did Not Know

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VIDEO. From the San Mateo County Board of Supervisor’s meeting on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 at 9:00am, as a hybrid meeting.  Agenda. Proclamation.

Click for VIDEO
Starts at 25:07

“Presentation of a proclamation designating February 2025 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.”

WHEREAS, young women between the ages of 16 and 24 are more vulnerable to intimate partner violence, experiencing abuse at a rate almost triple the national average; and

WHEREAS, one in three adolescent girls in the United States is a victim of physical, emotional or verbal
abuse from a dating partner, and this exceeds victimization rates for other types of youth violence; and

WHEREAS, high school students who experience physical violence in a dating relationship are more
likely to use drugs and alcohol, are at greater risk of suicide, and are much more likely to carry patterns of abuse into future relationships; and

WHEREAS, young people victimized by a dating partner are more likely to engage in risky sexual
behavior and unhealthy dieting behaviors and the experience may disrupt normal development of selfesteem and body image; and

WHEREAS, nearly half of teens who experience dating violence report that incidents of abuse took place
in a school building or on school grounds; and

WHEREAS, only 33% of teens who are in an abusive relationship ever tell anyone about the abuse, and
81% of parents surveyed either believe teen dating violence is not an issue or admit they do not know if it is one; and

WHEREAS, teens who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community face unique challenges with teen dating violence; and

WHEREAS, by providing young people with education about healthy relationships and relationship skills
and by changing attitudes that support violence, we recognize that dating violence can be prevented; and

WHEREAS, every person has the right to a healthy relationship and to be free from abuse and, to that
end, the recognition of Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month benefits young people,
their families, schools, and communities regardless of socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo,
State of California, hereby designates the month of February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month,
working to end teen dating violence by empowering young people to develop healthier relationships,
assisting survivors in accessing supportive services, creating better resources for young people, and
engaging in discussions to promote prevention of the epidemic of teen dating violence.

Presentation of a SMCo proclamation designating February 2025 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

CORA Coastside Office Now Open for Domestic Violence Support at Coastside Hope;

Author: mdrag


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