MWSD’s Ric Lohmann Pushes Back on Senate Bill 6: “More People, More People = Less Water”

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VIDEO. From the Montara Water and Sewer District board meeting 5/20/2021 by Zoom.

All water agencies are announcing 10% voluntary water reduction due to the latest drought.

Senate Bill 6 forces localities to build housing without consideration of water source or allocation.


Write your Senator Josh Becker.

Senate Bill 6


Senate District 13 consists of the remainder of San Mateo County south of Senate District 11 and northern Santa Clara County, including the sister cities of Mountain View and Sunnyvale. This district keeps the San Mateo coastline from Pacifica to the Ano Nuevo State Reserve and peninsula cities from South San Francisco to Sunnyvale together. South San Francisco is the only city split to achieve population equality.

Map of Senate District 13 (PDF)


Montara Water and Sanitary District (MWSD) Meetings ~ 1st & 3rd Thursdays @ 7:30pm

Watch remotely. Comments and questions by email.


Agendas and Zoom Live Meeting Links

If you experience technical difficulties or have technical questions prior to or during the meeting, please contact MWSD’s IT support at (650) 728-7843.

Meeting Videos


Meeting Schedule:

Regular meetings are 7:30pm on the first and third Thursday of each month. They used to held at the District office at 8888 Cabrillo Hwy, next to Pt Montara Lighthouse and Hostel.

To receive agendas by email, send a request to [email protected]

In addition to email, we post agendas before each board meeting:

  • On the District website here
  • Montara post office
  • Moss Beach post office
  • the bulletin board in front of the MWSD office


Who is on the Board of Directors?

Kathryn Slater-Carter — President Term 2016-2020
Jim Harvey — President Pro Tem Term 2018-2022
Ric Lohman — Secretary Term 2018-2022
Peter Dekker — Treasurer Term 2019-2020
Scott Boyd — Director Term 2016-2020



Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) – MWSD is a member of SAM, the agency that collects and cleans our Coastside community’s wastewater before it enters the ocean. SAM meets monthly on the 4th Monday at 7:30pm. Jim Harvey and Scott Boyd presently serve as SAM board members.

Recology of the Coast – MWSD has contracted with Recology of the Coast for trash pickup, recycling, and waste hauling.

Visit County Solid Waste Department for more information about recycling, composting, etc.


In an Emergency

Water Emergencies: Call MWSD at (650) 728-3545

Sewer Emergencies: Call SAM at (650) 726-0124

For emergencies that affect life, health or safety:  Dial 911


Contact Us

  • 8888 Cabrillo Hwy
    Montara, California 94037
  • Office Hours:
    8:30AM to 5PM Mon-Fri
  • (650) 728-3545
  • [email protected]

Note: Public participation is not permitted during closed session discussion items.


MSWD General Manager Clemens Heldmaier showing a creek filtration system.


Author: mdrag


One thought on “MWSD’s Ric Lohmann Pushes Back on Senate Bill 6: “More People, More People = Less Water”

  1. Thanks, Ric. It isn’t popular, even taboo in some glassy-eyed circles, to bring up the undeniable negative consequences of over-population, especially where the natural resources of our finite planet are concerned. In terms of freshwater sustainability, California has been grossly out of balance for at least 70 years and probably more than 100. No amount of short-term cutbacks, wishful thinking, or praying to the water gods can change the facts one iota.

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