2020 Census Says There are Only 2.58 Persons per Household in HMB and Councilperson Jiminez Disagrees

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VIDEO. From the City of Half Moon Bay City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 7th, 2021 by Zoom while discussing Measure D allocations for 2022

Jill Ekas, HMB Community Development Director, responds.



Staff Recommendation: Adopt a resolution setting the 2022 Residential Dwelling Unit Allocation and Administration System (Measure D) pursuant to Half Moon Bay Municipal Code Chapter 17.06 for 69 residential dwelling units, 46 units for the Downtown and 23 units outside of the Downtown.


Full Staff Report

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.coastsidebuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/STAFF_REPORT-5.pdf” title=”STAFF_REPORT (5)”]


“With the actual population count and occupied households count from the 2020 Census data, an updated persons per household count was calculated at 2.58 as compared to 2.69 that was calculated for last year’s allocation adoption based on 2013-2018 American Community Survey data. The decrease in persons per households results in a modest increase in the number of new dwelling units allowed for 2022 compared to the number of new dwelling units allowed in 2021.”


Author: mdrag
