Coastside Fire Protection District Approves Coastside CERT Branches 1 and 2 Sponsorship
VIDEO LINK. A beautiful moment in Coastside Community history and a testament to the passion for disaster preparedness on the…
Baseline Journalism. Click, Learn, Think, Act, Vote…
VIDEO LINK. A beautiful moment in Coastside Community history and a testament to the passion for disaster preparedness on the…
ARTICLE. We need MINIMUM WAGE HOUSING. Low Income and Affordable Housing are red herring concepts. What is low? What is…
ARTICLE /PHOTOS. David Porcel, Principal of Hatch Elmentary and Hatchie! CUSD board member Sophia Layne and her Walk…
ARTICLE. Dog Ordinance Changes Approved FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2018 from San Mateo County Parks Department The San Mateo County Board…
ARTICLE and SURVEY. The City of Half Moon Bay will be replacing the play structure and considering other future improvements…
VIDEO. Midcoast Community Council interviews OES Manager of Emergency Services for San Mateo County, Kevin Rose. Rose talks on means…
VIDEO. The City Council will consider awarding a contract for design and environmental review for the Poplar Complete Street Project…
VIDEO. General Manager, Clemens Heldmaier’s staff gives a very informative monitoring report on the state of the unique bedrock Alta…
VIDEO. Office of Emergency Services (OES), Brian Molver , our Coastside Emergency Coordinator talks abour our coastal Incident Command System…
POWERPOINT. Download the Powerpoint and share! Email the City Staff, City Planning Dept. and/or City Council if you have questions…